Taking a breather.

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  Years went by as more people joined. We now had houses all around the walls and in the tree. Echo and I even started a mural of all the people we lost. All of the people here wanted a fresh start at life. They gave up the addiction of shimmering and started family's. The people here also wanted Silco to be destroyed. That is when the Firelights were born. Echo came up with the name for the gang. Echo felt that the firelights symbolized life and freedom from Zaun and that is how the name came to be. This also came to be the name of the band I had started with Echo and some others.

  Third person.

   Vi was sitting in her cell staring at her shoes when the radio turned on.

   "Now up next is Delicate Weapon by, The Firelights!" The radio said. (Actual song is by Health and Window Weather. I would go check it out ;] )

   "Ooo! I love this song!" The guard cheered.

    "You don't want to hurt me
Why you want me to know?
You loved me
And now you don't anymore
Is there no way out?
Is there no way out?
Is there no way out now?
And it's hard to know
Is there no way out?
Life's short
Why does it take so long?
We're only here once
Why blame yourself?
We don't want the same things
But we're afraid to let go" This was you singing on the radio really letting out your emotions in this song. Vi looked up in shock thinking this sounds just like y/n.
  "Hey guard!" Vi shouted at him. "Who's this song by?"
   "The Firelights." The guard responded as he continued to jam out.
   "No like the person singing, who is it? She asked again.
   "Don't know but I do know this band is from the undercity." The man answered as he then began singing the song. Vi sighed at this answer which left her with uncertainty. Plus more questions than answers.

Back to first person.
    It was progress day for Piltover and the day of the shipment. This shipment was carrying shimmer and we needed to destroy it. Echo, me, and some fire lights stood on our hoverboards waiting to come out. I watched as the blimp flew into port. Echo then signaled to go and so we all took off. Flying in we threw crystal balls at the people on board. These crystals then began to grow all over them making them unable to move. Some people were still loose so I flung my knives directly into their skulls. Everyone now being down we hopped off our boards now standing on the ship.
   "We have five minutes till they're out of there." Echo said in his mechanical voice. Each of us had special masks that changed our voices so no one would recognize us. Echo then pulled out his special watch setting the timer. We then walked over to the barrels of shimmer as echo opened one up.
   "Have you ever seen this much shimmer before?" One member asked.
  "They're expanding. Check for more below. Burn it all." Echo told the team. Two of the boys went down below to look when suddenly an explosion went off below. Seeping through the cracks was a purple smoke. The door below began to open. I watched intently, unsure what was to come.
   "I think it's Jinx." I whispered to Echo. A girl with long blue braids that went down to her shoes appeared from the smoke.
   "Hi." Jinx said curiously. Oh but that was just a ploy. She then grabbed two shark-like bombs and launched them at the two members next to me and Echo. Both of them fell off and exploded. Jinx then went after Echo. Knowing Echo could handle himself I started knocking barrels of shimmer over. After knocking a couple over I looked up to see Jinx grab a teammate's hand. Jinx then punched her in the face knocking off her mask.
   "Vi?" Jinx asked as she looked at the girl who resembled Vi. The girl then let go of the flare setting the place on fire. Getting free of Jinx she ran when Jinx then shot her.
   "No!" Echo cried out as she fell to the floor. Echo then became enraged by this so I quickly grabbed our guy passed out on the floor. Then hopping on my board I rushed after Echo who was now trying to go after Jinx. Jinx was spraying rapidly around the ship with her gun. As soon as we made it out Echo hopped on his own board and we flew away.
   Finally we made it back home when Echo broke the news to the people. When Echo announced the news we all gathered around taking a moment of silence. This is what we did every time someone didn't return. It was our way of respect. Once we paid our respects I took Echo aside.
   "Hey are you ok? What happened back there?" I asked Echo as I leaned up against the wall.
   "What do you think y/n? No, no I'm not. They're making even more shimmer than we can destroy. On top of that our people are dropping like flies on missions." Echo said annoyed.
   "Ok well is there something I can do to help? I mean we're family, we got to help each other out." I told him.
    "Yeah you're right. Maybe I could use a breather." He replied.
     "Why don't we see what the topsiders are up to, shall we?" I asked him with a cheeky smile on my face.
    "How are we going to blend in though? I mean our clothes aren't very topsider." Echo asked as we walked out.
   "Easy steal some of the clothes hangers when they're drying." I said confidently.
  "Ok but if we get caught it's your fault." Echo laughed.
  "Bet. I'll race you there too!" I yelled out as I started running.
   "Hey! You're cheating!" He yelled running after me. Boy did it feel good to just let everything go and run. I ran down alleyways turning left, right, jumping on houses till we made it to the bridge. I then took the old path we had used on that day. Finally we both made it to the other side.
"I win!" I exclaimed looking back at Echo.
   "Nahhh I let you win." He laughed back.
    "I think I see some laundry out over here!" I shouted, pointing at a house that had laundry hanging up. We both ran over to the house. Crouching down we looked over the fence to see nobody home. Quickly we hopped over and grabbed something nice. We then walked into different rooms and changed. The dress I grabbed was silky purple with gold edges. Once I got it on it fit me like a glove. I walked out after getting ready to find Echo waiting for me. He was dressed up in a nice tuxedo and the edges of it were purple and gold that matched my dress.
    "Aww look at you all grown up." I said excitedly.
   "Ughh let's just go." Echo said, rolling his eyes. We then walked outside and joined in with the crowd. There were so many carts with different foods and drinks. I didn't know what to choose. Finally I decided on a churro.
   "Echo, I'm gonna talk to the churro guy while you snatch two churros." I whispered.
   "Bet." Echo said excitedly.
    I walked over seductively to the churro when he said,"My, my, my, aren't you  beautiful."
  "Hehehe." I chuckled covering my mouth. "How are you doing my good sir?"
  "Why I am delighted. How are you my lady?" The man asked, mesmerized by my beauty.
   "My day has gone wonderfully. I couldn't be happier." I said giving a winky but not to the man it was to Echo. He then reached out grabbing two churros then sneaking away.
   "Why thank you for your time but I must be off now. Have a wonderful evening." I smiled walking away. I made my way back towards Echo. As I walked I made a face in disgust about the man.
   Echo then started laughing, "How are you my lady?" he mocked. 
  "Oh just wonderful, good sir." I played along as I wrapped my hand around his elbow.
   "Shall we continue, my lady?" He asked as he handed me my churro.
   "We shall." I replied walking onward as I snacked on my churro. We walked just about everywhere looking at the unique things that Piltover has.
   Eventually it was time for the speech we had been hearing about. So we walked on over to the building as the speech started.
    "And now please welcome Jayce Talis." The lady on the stage welcomed him. The crowd began to go wild. There was clapping and cheering for this man. Jayce made his way up to the podium as he set down his script.
    "Uh good evening." He began. "I know many of you probably didn't expect to see me here today. And believe me I'm just as shocked as you are. My family and I are simple people. In our factory, we made hammers. They were probably used to cut the stone you're standing on right now. No one in my life expected very much of me. And that is precisely what makes this moment so extraordinary. A few years ago, the hexgates opened their ports to the world and made Piltover prosper beyond anything we could have ever imagined." He spoke pointing at a giant building with an eye like thing on top. Everyone began to clap and cheer at this. I wasn't exactly sure how it worked but it looked impressive.
   "But we're not done yet." He spoke. "This year we've created something new for you. Something that um.." He stopped.I could tell by his face he was uncertain on what to say next. Till he finally continued, "that we will share with you... when the time is right. Things that will bring an end to your hardships. Whether you're the scion of our high house, or an honest laborer from the underground. We vow to keep pressing forward for we are the City of Progress. And our future is bright!" He finished. Everyone began clapping as fireworks went off outside.
   "Of course only one mention of the underground. It's like we aren't even a part of Piltover." I said, shaking my head. "Ugh I need a breather, it's too crowded in here."
  "I agree." Echo replied, taking me outside. Once we got outside I could smell smoke which was very strange. I looked around to spot some sort of bright light coming from a building.
  "There's a fire Echo! Over there!" I shouted pointing at the burning building.
  "Shit! Let's go." Echo said, running toward the building. I lifted up my dress and ran after him. Man I wish I wasn't in heels I thought to myself. Finally we made it to the building as flames sprung out at us. Looking over to my right I saw a lady enforcer. She then looked over to see me.
   "Get the fire brigade!" She called out, grabbing a fire extinguisher. Looking around I found another one and started spraying the flames. Once some of the flames dissipated I saw a monkey spray painted on the floor.
   "GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" I yelled at the people near. Echo started running and so did I till I saw the girl still standing there. I ran as I pushed her out of the way as the building exploded. "Ugh shit." I grumbled.
   "Y/n!" Echo shouted running back after me. I was on the ground just about fading away when I saw Jinx walking into a building. "That Jinx." I muttered under my breath.
   "Y/n? Y/n, are you with me?" Echo asked worriedly as he crouched down next to me. I slowly began to then fade away into the dark abyss of sleep

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