Its Alright

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"I don't know, I didn't do anything!" Powder exclaimed.

"You could fill a damn library with the things you didn't do." Mylo retorted. I glared at him in disapproval.

Then turning my head as Vi started to speak,"Guys we just emptied a Piltover penthouse right under the enforcers noses. So if you're done beating yourself up, let's get this home," Vi then started off homeward bound. As the follower I was, I followed right behind her. Not needing to keep an eye out for Powder since we were back. As we walked I felt this strange feeling that we were being watched.

"Nice hall?" Asked a blonde guy sitting on a box. This made me jump not realizing he was going to say something.

"You could say that." Mylo replied. I gave him a good whack on the arm, as I gave him a look like what did you just say.

"Heard there was some action across the river," the blonde boy continued, "someone, uh someone really kicked the nest, huh?"

"Is that so huh?" Vi retorted as she started walking away. When I then started hearing footsteps but it wasn't Vi's. I looked to see two of this boy's goons blocking our exit.

"Ahhhh shit." I whisper under my breath. It was about to go down, I thought and I didn't bring my knives. I myself wasn't great at hand to hand combat as Vi, but she did teach me the ropes. My specialty was knife throwing. I could chuck them anywhere.

"But now you're, you're tracking this mess through my streets." The dude said, bringing me out of my thoughts. Everyone turned to look at him in annoyance like this ain't your streets.

"Your streets? What makes you think—" but Vi was then cut off.

"Listen, we don't want any trouble, okay?" Clagger responded as he cut Vi off.

"Hear that Deckard they don't want any trouble." One of the guy's goons replied.

"You know in my experience, trouble finds you." Deckard snapped back. "There's no reason this has to get ugly. How about you share a little taste of your treasure there and will call it even?"

"No, no, no, we worked too hard to..." Mylo started, but he stopped when Vi put her hand on his shoulder stepping forward.

"Just a taste?" Vi questioned innocently. Though I could tell in her voice it was just a ploy to get a good punch right at him.

"Just a-" Deckard gets cut off by a punch in the face.
"YEAH!" I yelled in excitement. Then everyone jumped into the fight! "Powder stay back with the bag." I told her as I swung my bag full of books at a goon rushing us. It hit him right in the face, making him fall to the ground. The goon then tried to kick his feet under mine, to which I jumped but I didn't quite catch my landing making me inevitably fall. The goon was now on top of me continuously pushing me in the face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Powder running away from a goon as she held the bag.

"Shit!" I screamed, kneeing the goon in the groin. I pushed him off of me then gave him a good whack on the head with my bag knocking him out. I then took off running after Powder and the goon chasing her. I was Running and running as fast as I could trying to close the distance but I couldn't. I finally caught up to them at this dock-like area. It was too late though, seeing Powder dumping the bag into the water to distract the goon so she could get away. As she took off she saw me at the end and ran into my arms apologizing over and over.

We made our way back to the rest of the group when everyone gathered around Powder asking what happened. I could hear them arguing about what happened but I drowned it out. My head was pounding and spinning a little and the arguing was just making it worse. Once we got on the elevator I cooped myself up into a corner while the two bickered.

"Just drop it Mylo." Vi's voice made me zone back into the real world realizing she definitely was hurt. I walk up next to her, setting my hand on her shoulder. She then looked over to me with a gloom look on her face. Becoming a little light headed I began to lose balance. Vi realizing this grabbed my waist and pulled me in, our hips now touching. My heart began pounding again as my face got warm. All the pain was washed away by this strange feeling. Vi used her other hand to pull her hood up, becoming more gloomy.

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