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You've been working at the hotel for a fair bit now, already having a great reputation for most of the staff members within the Happy Hotel (Hazbin Hotel). Charlie loved having you around, seeing that you were an excellent demon to ever encountered. She couldn't help but to feel...happy as ever. Not just that; she was the happiest she can be with you. Even if the two of you weren't together, she'd always feel giddy at the thoughts of you. You were constantly stuck in her head, almost like a headache that wouldn't go away, except you were just a pleasant one. It wouldn't make sense to most, but that's exactly how Charlotte would explain it if she could.

She found you organising through something, feeling her heart skip a beat at the sight of you. A lump formed in her throat, her heart pumping rather fast. What she was about to do was going to be unforgettable. A good way, or a bad way, it was now or never. She took a big deep breath, approaching herself to you.

"Y/N!" She spoke out-loud without meaning to, hoping not to startle you. "Eh—Uh! Sorry!" She was quick to apologise, putting a hand up to her chest, tugging a little on her collar as she stared in to your eyes, feeling herself melt at the eye-contact. "I have something to say! And, well, I-!" She let out a weird noise, looking sheepishly down to the ground, forcing herself to look towards you again. "I have—I like you! I really, really like you! And I hope you..like me back!"

You returned back the feelings, making Charlotte cry out of pure joy.

He wouldn't have ever expected this.

Having feelings?

It couldn't be. It shouldn't be possible for him to love. He knew it was happening, but so soon? As soon as he realised what these feelings were, he began to distance himself more from you, not wanting any of it to be true. He was very much in denial about his love for you, and didn't want to be seen being that type of demon, certainly by the particular reason of him being an Overlord. He was all about the power; the strength, and furthermore. Although, no matter what he'd do to avoid you, he couldn't avoid the thoughts of you roaming throughout his mind. All his smiles would be genuine when your presence was around. At some point he began to accept it; very hesitantly at that. It wasn't so simple for himself. He knew he had to get it over with to found out whether you mutually felt the same or not.

He had asked everyone in the hotel where you were, everyone answering that you were in your room. He was quick to react, teleporting himself right in front of your door. He reached his hand up before he knocked on the door, putting it down slowly as he hesitated to do so. He let out a sigh, figuring if he gave up now, he wouldn't need to deal with this at all. His eyes were glued on the door, not knowing what to do at this moment. Soon enough, you (finally) opened the door, not realising that there'd be someone there, Alastor's attention drifted to you, his ears dropping down almost too instantly.

"Y/N! What a surprise— I was passing by your room! What a coincidence timing." He lied.

You noticed something was up with him, asking what was up, patiently waiting for his reply.

Alastor knew he couldn't get out of this one, looking down at you.

"Y/N." He spoke. "It's unusual for me to act like this towards such things, and demons." He began to go on. "I seem to have...a strong liking for you. As Angel would imply; a crush?" He maintained to keep eye-contact, wanting you to hurry up with your answer as he already figured you didn't return any feelings back.

You soon spoke up, catching Alastor off guard with your response, his smile widening along with his ears perking right up.

𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥; 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now