𝐒𝐢𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐔𝐩

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The two of you didn't come off to a great start with each other since the first time you've ever seen him was when he tried to destroy the entire hotel, being defeated within a second by Alastor. Weeks later, he returned and...surprisingly stopped with his madness. Months passed by, and he started to act more weird towards you, and always had a blush across his face. You weren't too sure on why, but you had to admit; it was an adorable sight. Little did you know that he's been planning on confessing. He'd always go to Angel Dust about it, asking what it meant and what he should do. Despite all their rivalry from before, he grew an unexpected friendship with the famous star.

Angel being Angel, suggested many sexual advices on how to confess to you. Sir Pentious kept cringing at to everything the spider-demon was saying, guessing that he had done figure it out all by himself.

Hours went by, and you came in sight for him. He grinned widely, his 'heart' pounding rapidly as he slithered towards you. "Y/N!" He exclaimed, his eyes swiftly examining the area. He wasn't up for this- He was insanely nervous. "You look ravissshing today." He complimented, his expression falling for a second before it went back to a grin, his fangs poking out visibly. "I wasss wondering, if you'd...ever—....go out with me? Friend waysss!...Or not." He put both his hands behind his back, nervously waiting for an answer. You took it as a hint that he certainly didn't want to be friends, so you gave him a kiss on the cheek. His eyes widened, blushing crazy, his hand reaching up to his cheek with a lovestruck look.


What he's like in the relationship:
• Stammers a lot with his words
• Compliments you a lot
• He tries to, anyway
• Dramatic
• He's very reluctant when it comes to affection and loving words
• "I love you a lot because—I love everyone elssse, too!"
• Shows off a lot
• "Y/N! Look what I can do!" *Thud*
• Sometimes copies you to look cool
• Always trying to impress you
• Your arms are crossed? His arms are also crossed
• You're glaring? He's glaring, too
• You're swearing a lot? He also starts swearing a lot
• Matches your slang
• And your style
• "Yo, Y/N. Wasssup?"
• Gang signs and pair of shades over his eyes, and for his hat
• You need to reassure him a lot
• He's easily jealous
• Cuddles you in his sleep unknowingly
• Wakes up a blushing mess
• Easily flustered
• Makes the egg bois look after and spy on you wherever you go
• Probablyputsatrackingdeviceonyou


• He's staring across from the club room as you're talking to someone else
• a GUY, at that
• He's breathing very heavily, arms crossed and eyes completely narrow as he watches
• "He'sss so ugly."
• Mutters out of jealousy
• Talks to himself 24/7
• Gets himself really drunk after just a few minutes
• He slithers over to you and the guy
• Wraps his arm over your shoulder with his hood flared
• "You sssstay away from my baaaby."
• Pokes the demon in the chest numerous times
• Lot of slurring words
• He drags you away from the man
• Then after a few for drinks, he decides it's time to go back to the hotel
• He's so drunk that he doesn't realise half the things he's saying
• Then randomly starts to cry
• "He'sss so much better than meeee." sob
• You comfort him until he falls asleep


He finds you drunk:
• He loves when you're drunk
• Even though you're impossible to find sometimes-
• You're more open about everything
• A happy mess
• Storyteller
• And such a laughter
• He adores it so much
• Until...
• You get mood swings
• He'll be staring straight at you with an eyebrow raised as you're suddenly crying
• "My darling, what'sss wrong?"
• "I just love you so f**king much, Pentious."
• Extreme sobbing from you
• He gives you a hug and kisses on the face
• He sends you off to bed and lays with you through the night

𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥; 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now