𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐩

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• She was doing all the hotel paperwork and didn't hear you come into the room
• She was flustered by the fact you decided to sit on her lap
• Tomatooo~
• "Y/N?"
• Sheepish smile
• She wraps her arms around you and gives you a gentle embrace
• It caught her off guard since she was in the middle of working


• He was peacefully drinking a cup of coffee in his radio tower
• He heard you come in and hummed in wonder
• But he certainly wasn't expecting for you to sit on his lap
• His ear twitched
• "Y/N, dear, what are you doing?"
• "Obviously sitting on your lap."
• He chuckled and rested his chin against your shoulder
• He never expects this and usually refuses to let you sit on his lap
• But he was in a good mood
• But if he wasn't, he wouldn't hesitate to push you off (Jk)


Angel Dust:
• "Awh, sumone can't resist me, can they?"
• He's very sexual about it
• But after a while, he pulls you in closer for a hug and kisses you
• He tends to enjoy the idea of just being affectionate towards you
• Genuine type of love, anyway
• Something he definitely needed
• But if the two of you got horny, he'd definitely start to make out with you while you're on his lap


• "The f**k you doin'?"
• Confused eyebrow raise
• He puts down his bottle and rolled his eyes before carefully wrapping his arms around you
• The blush on his face was noticeable
• He hated you pointing it out sometime
• His wings would be slightly covering you as you sat on his lap
• Rests his head against your shoulder as he purrs
• "Yer lucky I love you."
• Flustered grumbles.


• She was having one hell of a day
• Sitting on the couch, stressed by nearly everything
• Then you came along and sat on her lap, an arm around her neck with a loving smile
• She was a blushing mess but she didn't tell you to get off
• She returned the smile and wrapped her arms around your waist to pull you closer for an embrace
• "You're so cute."
• Gentle kiss on the cheek


Sir Pentious:
• He was a complete stammering, blushing disaster
• He wouldn't be able to process any sort of word and emotion
• He'd awkwardly sit there with a trembling smile
• You'd have to snap him out of it by cupping his face and kissing him on the lips
• "Ssstop..."
• He's so giddy
• He hides his face in to your shoulder, lil' soft nuzzles as he's still blushing

𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥; 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now