𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭.

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Tries to prevent it from continuing
She hates arguing
• Makes fair points most the times
• She doesn't like to back down, though
• Sometimes gets her parents involved
• *Ring Ring* "Dad? Mom?" "Already on my way."
sigh, good luck.
• If necessary, she'll start to swear at you.
• "F**king stop!" "Quit this sh*t, Y/N."
• Say one wrong thing to her; oh boy. You're in for it
• Her features will completely change towards you
• You could tell you p*ssed her off
• You had no choice but to apologise first
• If you're lucky, she'll forgive you straight away
• Anddddd if not, you're to blame
• This woman literally puts you in time out to your room
• You refuse? Sleep on the couch
• Double refuse? Whole janitor duty for a month
• Triple refuse? Just get out until you learned your lesson
• Takes about an hour to realise your mistake
• "Charlie, I'm sor-"
• Forgives you straight away


• Finds it entertaining
• You have a lot of smart things to say, and so does he
• Most of the time he'll stay silent with that grin on his face
• Knows that it annoys you
• He asks when will you stop talking so the argument will end
• Teleports away from you when he's getting annoyed
• "Shocking News! Crazy girlfriend/boyfriend on the urge to murder my being."
• He refuses to back down, asserting his right as an overlord
• Also because it's entertainment for him
• You're aware about it, of course
• "May I ask why this is happening?"
• "Nonsense, I would never."
• Silent treatment for a good minute
• "Apologies, my dear."


Angel Dust:
• Forgets why it's even happening
• Confused eyebrow raises here and there
• A lotta comebacks
• Smarta** comments
• Says off guarding things
• "When we're done, can I suck ya d*ck?"
• "Wha-"
• "Nothin'."
• Zones out half the time
• Makes you hold Fat Nuggets to make you (hopefully) calm down
• "Listen, babe, I know ya hate me, but I ain't done nothin' wrong."
• Did he do something wrong? Yes.
• What'd he do?
• Left all his TOYS in your drawers
• And left a video of his recent 'work' on your Hellfari (Safari) left open, volume right up while you were in a building surrounded by others
• He'd burst out laughing
• "Sh*t! BAHA! Sorry, babe!"


• Genuinely doesn't give a sh*t
• Well, he does. Just not as much
• You're angry. He's angry. Whoopty-do!
• Sits there silently half the time, skulling down a bottle of booze
• He offers you one just to shut you the f*ck up
• You tend to give in, but when you don't, he sighs out of defeat and listens to you carrying on
• You were angry at him for drinking way too much (despite him trying not to only for you)
• He was angry at you not being understanding towards him
• He had issues; he understood you did as well, but he disliked how you went off at him
• Every-time you're done with a sentence, he'll give a scoff out of annoyance
• "Ya done?"
• After minutes of arguing, you both give up
• He'd lower his head, upset
• You'd sit there for a second, confused on what to do
• Until you gave him a hug as an apology
• He can't help but to easily forgive you


• She's a talker
• Mainly the one using the most words
• You both have anger issues, basically
• For it to actually stop, you'd need someone to bud in
• Usually has to be Charlie
• No one else has the courage to stop the two of you
• Certainly not Alastor; He just watches the argument go down
• Every one else? Yeah no, they're minding their own business
• Both get put in time out (literally)
• Or suggests to leave each other
• Works out well in the end
• Not temporarily for Vaggie, though
• She's full of temper
• You need to be the first to apologise (even if it wasn't your fault)
• She gives you a light glare since you're lucky she loves you (death-glare if she didn't)
• "I'm sorry, babe-"
• "It's alright."
• "Wait, what-"
• She pulls you in for a hug
• Despite the "BIG" argument, she wastes no time on forgiving you

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