𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤/𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.

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Requested by @noobboss7071

• You know she dearly loves and cares for you
• But you wanted to see how much she cares
• It was a horrible prank to go for, but somehow you managed to convince everyone to go along with it
• After Extermination day, you hid somewhere in the hotel where Charlie couldn't find you
• She was going crazy
• Where were you?
• Why didn't she get waken up by you?
• Did something happen?
• Did you leave her?
• "Y/N!"
• She shouted at each corner of the hotel
• She looked EVERYWHERE
• Yet no sign of you
• She went to Husk
• "Have you seen Y/N?"
• He shook his head, unamused (Doesn't give a sh*t about the prank)
• She went to Alastor
• Where's Y/N?!"
• "No clue, dear!"
• She went to Angel
• "Do you know where Y/N is?!"
• He was about to let out the truth before remembering
• "Sh*t, toots...ya haven't heard..?"
• Her face fell
• Don't tell her...
• "Y/N died...yesterday. We thought ya knew."
• Her eyes were filling up with tears
• "Wh-What?"
• She was on the verge of sobbing until she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her
• She looked, seeing you
• She let out a gasp and hugged you, sobbing into the hug
• "You're a b*tch!"


• You knew he had a liking for pranks
• But you also knew he wouldn't like the prank you're about to pull on him
• You had ordered a pet dog (it won't look ordinary though ofc since it's hell)
• It had tiny little horns on the head
• And spikes reaching back to tail
• You remembered that he had a slight thing against dogs
• Or even a phobia
• You wanted to see how severe it was
• In your head, it didn't seem too bad
• The dog arrived in a box full of holes at the front of the hotel
• You quickly ran to it before anyone else could
• And brought it up to Alastor's room
• You set the box on his bed and set a camera somewhere before exiting the room
• Minutes later, he entered the room, immediately noticing the box with an arched eyebrow
• He approached it after a second
• He had a suspicion
• Slowly...he opened the box
• As soon as he saw the dogs face, he shut the box with widened eyes and an anxious expression
• He was not dealing with this
• He instantly left the room still keeping that expression
• You were about to head to his room until you saw him coming back with Angel Dust
• Perhaps he thought Angel was the one behind all this
• You interfered
• And he looked at you with disbelief
• He demanded you to get rid of the dog
• And you did...by letting it out of the box
• Lets just say he ended up in Angel's arms with a horrified look

Angel Dust:
• It was a risky prank to do
• A prank where you 'lost' Fat Nuggets
• You recognised that voice from anywhere
• Time for the act
• He'd burst in the room you were in
• "Have you seen Fat Nuggets?!"
• "Angel...sh*t. I'm sorry. I lost him-"
• His eyes were full of tears
• You realised you took the prank too far
• You quickly went over to the spot where you had hid Fat Nuggets
• And went off to find Angel inside his room
• You knocked, he looked
• "Fat Nugs? Oh, Fat Nugs!"
• Happy sobs
• You received silent treatment for a few days after your stunt


• Bored out of your mind
• You were on a break
• Yet, you had nothing in mind
• Until you thought of Husk
• You knew he would still be working
• Why not check on him?
• Or maaaybe, perhaps annoy him?
• You haven't done such a thing to him
• So you thought it'd be worth seeing a reaction
• You walked up to the bar where he was
• He was leaning his lower-bit against the counter as he wiped down a glass cup
• You leaned forward to reach his hat, snatching it off his head
• He arched an eyebrow before turning around to look at whoever f**k did it
• His eyes narrowed as he saw you
• He seemed to be in a sh*t mood
• "Give it back.."
• You hesitated; you poked your tongue at him
• "Come geddit, Husky~"
• "Y/N."
• He tried yanking it back but you moved back
• "F**k sakes.."
• He crossed his arms as he stared at you
• You were really testing him
• "Give. It." He warned once more
• "Nope."
• He turned himself back around, leaning against the counter as a way to make you feel guilty
• Which worked
• You put the hat back on his head
• And walked away
• At night, he apologised for his attitude


• "Hey, Vagina."
• You said to her with an eat-sh*t grin
• She looked at you, already annoyed
• You acted dumb to what you just called her
• And acted innocent
• "Y/N, don't say that again."
• She warned with an eye-roll
• "Call you what?"
• "That name."
• "What name, Mi Amor?"
• She rolled her eyes again before walking away
• Hours later
• "VAGINA, I need help!"
• You could hear her groan from the other side of the hotel
• She came stomping in the room
• "What did I say about the name, Y/N?!"
• "What name? Isn't that your name?"
• She was on the urge of ripping her hair out
• "Don't say it again."
• She left the room
• Pout.

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