𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐝.

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Requested By @Spaticus_fanaticus

• She couldn't handle the fact you were permanently gone
• Once she heard the dreadful news, she broke down in to tears
• "Why'd it have to be Y/N?"
• She'd hug herself as if you were there to embrace her
• Which unfortunately, you weren't going to be able to do that anymore
• Nobody would see her for days
• Weeks
• Even months...
• She became less hopeful for the hotel, and for many sinners willing to redeem themselves
• She lost all motivation ever since she lost you
• She couldn't bare to walk pass your room
• She had to get someone else to clear all your things out
• It was rough seeing all your belongings get thrown away elsewhere
• Except one..
• A photo frame was on the floor
• She picked it up and lightly gasped with teary eyes
• It was a picture of you and Charlie
• Charlie was the one taking the picture, and you pecked her cheek in it
• She held the frame close, hugging it as she cried with a trembling smile
• She continued to carry on with the hotel
• Only for you


• He had been interviewing in his radio tower, reading through every note to see what was new, and interesting for his viewers in Hell, and the hotel
• Until he stopped
• His ears dropped as he saw your name
• 'Y/N, Helper of the Happy Hotel, had died with traumatic injuries.'
• Injuries?
• What did they mean injuries?
• What even happened to you?
• He hesitated to announce the unfortunate news in to his microphone
• "Ahem..unfortunate news to our darling sinners. But our—my—beloved Y/N has died. The information to their passing has not been informed clearly. They've suffered through t-..."
• He began to feel his eyes fill with tears
• "-Traumatic injuries."
• A tear rolled down his cheek, his ears being pinned against his head
• "This is Alastor reporting. S-...Stay tuned."
• Once he exited the tower, he was burdened with many demons grieving and feeling pity for the Radio Demon
• Charlotte came up to him
• "Alastor, I'm so sorry-"
• "Silence."
• He coldly spoke, his eyes turning in to radio dials
• Let's just say, Alastor returned to his terrifying way
• He had to find out what happened to you..


Angel Dust:
• He actually witnessed your death
• It damaged him entirely
• "Hey, hey! Y/N! It's okay...yer goin' to be okay!"
• He put pressure on your stab wound (that was caused by an angel weapon)
• He was sobbing, you were sobbing
• It was a mess
• "F**k sake-! Don't leave me, Y/N! Please, d-don't-!..."
• He leaned his head against yours
• You cupped his face with a weak smile
• "I'm sorry, Angie.." You coughed out
• "N-No, No! Don't apologise. Stop!"
• He knew what was happening
• You were weakening each second
• And it hurt him to see this state of you
• Your hand fell down beside you, and your breathing pattern came to a sudden stop
• His eyes widened, his hand staying put on your wound
• "Y/N...?"
• No reply
• "Y/N-! F-F**k...Y/N!"
• He hugged on to your unconscious, cold body
• Many months went by, and he still couldn't get you off his mind
• He kept everything of yours
• And sometimes he'd sleep in your room
• He would cry a lot more, and he'd even break down in front of others
• He became more addicted to dr*gs, alcohol, and lost all motivation to help Charlotte with the hotel and to redeem himself


• "Yer sh*ttin' me, right?"
• He was in denial about your death
• Nobody could die twice unless..
• "Y/N was found last night. She had stab wounds. And we all know what kills us demons fully."
• "Y-...F**k."
• He pinched the space in between his eyebrows
• His breathing was shaky as he was trying to contain his tears
• "Go away... I don't needa hear this sh*t."
• He crossed his arms on the counter, leaning his head in to 'em as he started to cry
• He started to drink even stronger alcohol, causing him to pass out by the amount he'd consume
• He was more snappy towards everyone
• He never bothered to participate in events, anniversaries, etc
• He suffered with insomnia after your death
• Not being able to cuddle, and to talk to you anymore just hurt him badly
• You were the only demon he could ever trust
• He loved you tremendously
• He'd find himself unconscious in your room time to time
• And he'd wake up confused each time


• She couldn't believe it
• You?
• Dead?
• "What? What the f**k happened to Y/N?!"
• She feels like she failed at being a girlfriend
• Failed protecting you
• She wouldn't be able to forgive herself for that
• She'd lock herself in her room for half the day, crying in to her pillows or in her own hands
• Until she couldn't cry at all
• She eventually became numb
• But that didn't mean she didn't miss you
• She missed you
• A lot
• She couldn't bare the pain
• She kept half of your things
• But placed all the picture frames of you downwards as she couldn't bring herself to look at 'em
• She'll go through her phone every now and then to look through the pictures, and videos
• She'd regret it a lot
• But there was nothing she could do
• You were gone
• But the memories stayed, thankfully

𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥; 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now