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Requested by: @LonelyThing0

• After hearing about your incident, she went straight down to visit you
• She broke down in instant tears at the sight of you
• "Y/N! I'm so sorry for not coming sooner. I only just heard about this! Are you okay?!"
• She hugs you
• But you wince in pain, involuntarily pushing her away as a reaction from your tender body
• You apologised but she understood
• She'd come back every hour and day to visit you
• She'll bring back cute gifts and delivers you 'get well' letters with a lot of sprinkles inside of them
• She always face-times/calls you to make sure you're okay
• She dislikes it when you're not near, not resisting the thought of you 24/7
• She'll face asleep in your (hotel) room every single time as she's hugging on to your pillow
• She makes sure your room is well looked after while you're healing
• And when you return, she's constantly by your side


• His eye twitched in an angered way
• He wouldn't be too happy if he found out that someone caused you to be hospitalised
• Without wasting further time, he comes by to visit you
• You're one of those people that he hates seeing in such a pained state
• He walked in, hands behind his back as he stared at you for a brief moment
• He almost lost guard after seeing you
• He approached your bed, and sat down beside it as he held your hand
• "It's so unfortunate to see you like this, my dear."
• He gently raised your hand up, softly giving it a kiss
• You were in so much pain, that you started to cry, removing your hand from his, placing it over your head
• He gave you a moment to let it all out
• "Oh, my sweet, darling Y/N."
• He stood up, about to leave
• He set his finger under your chin, hoping that you'd look at him
• "Smile. You look ravishing with one."
• Gentle kiss on the forehead before he'd leave
• He'd make sure to send you letters, and give you visits whenever he had the time
• He always come back with a basket full of your favourite treats, and a set of (dead) flowers
• And once you were better and returned, he'd insist for now on, he'd follow you everywhere you go


Angel Dust:
• He was in the middle of working before he got your phone call, saying that you've been hospitalised after an incident
• He hesitated to leave, knowing that Valentino will react badly, but he left anyway
• He took about approximately 20 minutes to arrive
• "Babe! Are ya okay? What happened?"
• He'd be a little out of breath since he ran all the way for you
• He'd gently hold your hand as his other hand caressed your hair
• He was a little bit teary-eyed to see you like this
• He was such a sucker for you
• He'd stay with you for hours, and hours
• 'Til Valentino calls him to get his a** back
• He gives you a sympathetic smile, and kisses you
• "I'll come by tomorrow, baby."
• He makes sure to face-time you with every chance he got
• Spam messages you
• Quick little check-up calls to see how you're holding up
• And as soon as you're healed and better, ready to return
• He's spoiling you with a bunch of affection


• He accidentally smashed a glass cup after hearing the news
• "What the f**k happened? I should've been told this right when it happened."
• He was quick on his feet when it came visiting you
• He'd apologise frequently for not coming by sooner
• He was way more apologetic towards you, considering you had stolen his heart
• He'd fall asleep, leaning against the bed with his arms crossed, resting his head on them like a pillow
• He softly purred in his sleep out of content being near you
• He'd suddenly get woken up and gets told that he has to leave
• He was hesitant at first about leaving you
• But he had to
• He gave you a quick kiss and a goodbye
• He'll deliver you half-done letters and probably a whole bottle of alcohol
• Once you've returned and healed, he's always begging to chat your ears off


• She was in the middle of doing something when she got heard the news
• She bounced straight up from her spot and left the hotel to see you
• When she entered the visiting area, she just barged right through and went straight to where you were
• "Y/N!"
• She started talking your ears off with her questions
• "Who was with you?" "Who did this?" "Why didn't you tell me?"
• "Well, I wanted to get hurt. Obviously, I didn't know-"
• She'd apologise for all the unnecessary questions, but she did care a lot for your being
• She would make sure the nurses and such were treating you right and properly
• And actually getting better food
• She'd eventually leave to do her duties at the hotel
• But she would make sure to face-time/call you whenever she's available
• And delivers you a delicious meal and a bunch of 'get well' letters
• And when you return, she makes sure you're around her at all times


Sir Pentious:
• You were so confused when all the egg bois came waddling in
• You didn't see Pentious yet, which made you a bit sad
• But all the egg bois said that they were sent to see you and see how you were doing
• "Gee, Y/N. What happened?"
• They all cuddled up to you on the bed, and told you things their boss has been doing
• He was panicking and he didn't want you to see that side of him-
• Eventually, he slithered inside the room with a sheepish grin
• "Sssorry for arriving ssso late."
• He shooed the egg bois off the bed
• They all lined up behind him
• He wouldn't be too sure on what to do
• He didn't talk very much but he'd caress your hand with his thumb with a guilty expression
• "I'm sssorry I wasssn't there for you."
• You reassured him that it was okay and that it wasn't his fault at all
• He didn't believe that, but he pretended to
• Same as Husk, he'd fall asleep sometime and the egg bois would talk to you instead
• "Never seen boss so sleepy before."
• You had to admit, it was a cute sight
• He got woken up and told to leave
• He hesitated but left
• All the egg bois waved goodbye with a grin and waddled away with Pentious
• He doesn't know how to work technology- he sends you letters (most of them had ink stains all over the letter)
• And when you returned, he was all over you, smothering you with his affectionate kisses

(You can definitely tell who's my favourite-)

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