𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤.

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• You were physically exhausted
• And oddly grumpy
• Which...wasn't like you
• Charlie took notice of your strange behaviour
• Then it hit her...
• You were sick.
• You tried to hide it
• But you were the worse
• She stood in front of you, tapping her foot on the floor
• "Y/N, you need to lay down."
• "But why?"
• "You're sick."
• You were about to deny until you sneezed, rubbing your nose into your elbow
• She forced you in to bed
• Provided you medicine
• Warm blankets if you were too cold
• Put the AC/Fan on if you were too hot
• Bit of both? Bunch of blankets and AC/Fan on
• She'll happily take over your shifts
• Refuses to kiss you
• She hates being sick-
• Like, HATES it


• "Good morning, my dear! You look- awful-!"
• Oh, he wasn't supposed to say that
• He was caught off guard by how you looked
• Extreme dark circles beneath your eyes, frizzy hair, puffy eyes, and a red nose
• He was not going to get your illness-
• He clicked his fingers and teleported you inside of your bed, magically making it for you, too
• He'll make a nice cup of coffee/tea for you
• Or even lemon tea
• He has a lot of experience taking care of sicknesses due to his mother
• He refused to let you get up
• "Now, now, my darling. You need to rest. You're in no good condition to be wandering around."
• He'll rub a circular motion on your back to help you fall asleep
• Or sit on the edge of the bed-
• He wasn't going to be kissing you
• Not even your forehead
• He's very strict with his well-being


Angel Dust:
• "Is it 'cause of my d**k?"
• You were coughing up a whole bunch and spewing every now and then
• You hated Angel's comments whenever you were sick
• You were grumpy
• Very, very grumpy
• You'd constantly nag for things, taking up all of Angel's time
• He hesitantly took a day off from his work to look after you
• Wasn't so good on his behalf
• But it was for you
• He left a bucket on the side of your bed
• Bunch of teddies to snuggle with
• 24/7 he'd be checking your temperature
• "Yer hotter than usual."
• He doesn't care about you getting him sick
• As long as you don't ruin his fur
• Yes, be careful of his fur
• He'll treat you like a baby half the time, too


• "Yer like how old, and you can't even f**kin' take some medicine?"
• You were so stubborn
• But you're lucky he was—kinda—patient with you
• But he was irritated by your childish behaviour-
• "Take the f**kin' medicine, Y/N."
• He'd give up half the time looking after you
• Then he'd come back feeling guilty
• He'll lay by you so you wouldn't leave the bedroom
• And cuddle with you
• His fur was surprisingly warm
• He'd be a bit disgusted if you sneezed/coughed on him
• Except he wouldn't complain about it
• He's always the first to fall asleep, purring in your ear
• He knows what he's doing
• And you loved him for his knowledge
• He'd make sure you'll get the right amount of attention whenever you're sick
• And (lazily) get you the things you'd need
• Even gentle massages to soothe your aching body


• She's definitely like one of those mums who scold you for not listening
• "No excuses, Y/N. You need to take the day off and rest."
• She hates the thought of also taking the day off just to look after you since she doesn't want Charlie to do everything herself
• But Charlie being Charlie, reassures Vaggie and allows her to look after you
• Medicine? Check
• Comfy pillows? Check
• Extra blankets? Check
• She sets a box of tissues on the nightstand
• And if you need a nice, warm bath
• She makes one right up for you
• You want to cuddle?
• You got it
• She talks and vents a lot
• Like, a lot
• You'll tiredly nod and respond 'yeah' to everything she says
• You were listening...sorta
• You tried to but you'd drift off to sleep
• She'd chuckle and fall asleep right after

𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥; 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now