𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.

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It had been a rough, exhausting day for Charlie. All the customers giving her a difficult time throughout half the day; Random complaints, discouragement about her project, desperation of making her quit. It was just too much for her for comprehend. She needed you. You knew exactly what to do to cheer her up. She needed to be held, comforted, and reassured that everything she was doing was right. And you turned out to be the right decision for her.
She had found you in your room, fixing through your drawer, looking for something until your attention was pulled on to Charlie, instantly giving her a faint, subtle smile. "Hey, Charlie." You had said, closing your drawer as you went up to her. "You seem stressed. What's up?"

"Can I lay with you tonight?" Charlie had asked, feeling rather sheepish about it, but she knew that you wouldn't refuse such an offer. As expected, you nodded without hesitation. "Of course." The two then went to lay down on your bed, laying face-to-face. Charlie's eyes turned to yours, a genuine smile crept on her. She adored you so much. She was so conflicted with emotions towards you. You just made everything seem so great. Even in the negative times; you had an amazing aura with yourself.

You couldn't help but to pull Charlotte close to you, wrapping your arms around her in a way to snuggle up against her, instantly feeling the warmth between her body. You intertwined your fingers in to the strand of her hair, twirling it gently, the other hand settling on her back, lightly caressing it within the process. You hadn't noticed at first; Charlie fell asleep in your arms. You smiled, heavily tired as your eyes slowly started to close, pressing your forehead against hers before you properly closed your eyes, founding yourself drifting to sleep.


He had been thinking rather a lot about things all day, having everything hit his face all at once, causing him to receive a wave of confusion. He didn't know how to handle nor react to it all. He figured he needed someone to soothe him. And we all know who that was to be; you. He quickly went off to find you, scattering through the hallways as his eyes averted out the windows he'd walk by, seemingly enjoying the view that'd cast from the outside surrounding. He eventually found himself outside of your room, giving it a rhythmical knock before entering, closing the door from behind him.

"Y/N?" His eyebrow raised at to having no sight of you, until a muffled voice spoke from elsewhere. His ears instinctively tilted to the side where the noise was directed, his eyes also drifting towards it. He found you in an awfully tired state, humming in slight amusement and admiration. He walked over to the bed, sitting at the edge of it close to you, his eyes not looking away from you, not even for a second. "My dear..." He spoke, pulling the blanket down a little so he could see your face. "May I lay with you?" You had nodded, not really giving a darn what he wanted. You just wanted to sleep after a long day. He removed his shoes, along with his coat before laying down with you, you moving over so he could do so.

You didn't expect this; he wrapped his arms around you, his forehead pressing against yours, pulling you closer to his body. He then placed his head above yours, his chin touching your head. "Goodnight, darling."

(Does Alastor still smile in his sleep??)


Angel Dust:
After a long day with Valentino constantly being on Angel's a**; demands, complaints, etc. He was exhausted, and ridiculously stressed. He was making his way to the hotel, walking on the pathways as his eyes just concentrated on his phone, not bothering to look up, not bothering to talk to anyone, or anything. He just wanted to head back to his free hotel room, and to you obviously.

You were just chilling in the lobby room on the couch, scrolling through your medias for anything new, or any popular trends in Hell. Then the front door opened, revealing to be your boyfriend walking inside. A wide grin crept up on to you, happy to see his presence after hours of waiting. Angel returned back the grin, also a sign of exhaustion. He plopped right on to the couch next to you, using his lower arms to yank you on to him, then wrapping them around you. He shifted downwards, laying himself down as you stayed on top, his arms not letting go of you. "I missed ya heaps, babe." He grinned, that one golden teeth shining. His upper arms moved up a bit, his hands cupping your face. He leaned his face closer to yours, giving you a peck on the forehead. "You dunno how much I needed ya today."

It was a genuine, wholesome moment that was cherished. For now, anyway. (iykyk)


He felt rather...annoyed. Frustrated, at that. He felt like everybody was against him at the hotel, and that nobody really liked him being around. He was expressionless, so nobody would be able to figure that out, unfortunately. It was a habit that was forced on to him, having it being like that for a while. He drank all his emotions away; no surprise. You were busy at the moment. He didn't want to disturb your schedule. It did upset him a bit, but he knew he had to deal with that.

Hours had gone by; his presence leaning down on the counter, his head being covered by his arms. He had been asleep on the job. You noticed this as soon as you walked past, your attention instantly being shot at him. An eyebrow arched as you stared from curiosity, wondering if he was awake or not.

"Husk?" You gently spoke, leaning against the counter, tilting your head as you waited for an answer.

Slowly, but lazily, he raised his head up, his eyes squinting as he adjusted from the lighting. He was too tired to process this. He let out a hum, looking over to you with half-open eyes. You couldn't help but to chuckle at the state, finding it cute. You jumped over the counter to be on his side, going behind him with your arms around his waist, resting your body against his back. It didn't seem to bother him. You genuinely thought he would be up by now, scolding at you. But no, he wasn't. He was..


He really needed this. He was glad enough that you were unaware of how he's been feeling recently. But happy enough to be getting some sort of affection from you.


Everything was absolutely stressful for this moth-lady. She was trying to keep everything organised, settled, and in order for the hotel. Nothing was going right for her today, and it frustrated her a lot. She needed a break. A BIG break; she knew that she couldn't get that, though. Implying that her best friend, Charlie, had projected this building for possible future of redemption to sinners, she was guilty to leave her side. All she wanted was to relax without any complications. It was a lot to ask for, according to herself. It had been hours since you were out and about. Vaggie had no clue on where you were to be, which overwhelmed her a little. She didn't want to call you, thinking that she may disturb with whatever you're doing. She could be a handful at times towards you, but that was a way of showing her care and love for you, anyway.

More hours went by; Vaggie was lying on her bed, cuddling on to her pillow, pretending that it was you. It was an often thing she would occasionally do every-time you'd come back late. But she didn't mind it. She knew you had other things to do with your afterlife, and so did she. She'd continuously look over to the door, seeing if you were there or not each minute. Soon enough, she began to get tired.

About half an hour later, you finally came in to the room, instantly looking at Vaggie; who was to be cuddling a pillow while sleeping. This wasn't the first time you've seen her like this. You had a thought that she must've been waiting ages just for you. Perhaps for a cuddle, too. You took your shoes off before heading over to the other side of the bed, slowly pulling the pillow away from Vaggie and replaced it with yourself. Steadily, you wrapped your arms around her and pecked her on the nose before dozing off to sleep.

𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥; 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now