𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭/𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝.

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• She freaks out
• "What happened? Did someone do this to you? Are you okay?"
• She gets more clingy towards you
• Every time you groan, wince, etc
• She'll be on her way with an aid/medical kit
• Makes you take a few days off depending on your pain
• She refuses to leave your side
• You're stubborn when it comes to resting
• If she has to, she'll lock you in your own room
• "It's for your own good!"
• Spoils you with treats
• Brings in your favourite food
• Breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed
• She'll give you many entertainment games
• Accidentally falls asleep half the time due to overworking herself
• You didn't care, you loved the cuddles

If someone hurt you:
• She will instantly frown
• On the inside, she's really p*ssed
• She'll go out the hotel (or in) to have a chat
• If it goes well, then she'll give them a warning not to do it again
• If not, she'll—well—show them she's definitely the princess of hell
• She tries not to go too far
• If she can't do it herself, Alastor's on the way to help


• Already down to assumptions that someone did this to you
• He's already targeting Vox
• "Alastor, no one did anything."
• "Okay, dear!"
bonk on Vox' head with his cane
• He watches you very carefully
• Doesn't care if it's creepy
• Forces you to rest
• You refused
• He keeps suggesting that you lie down
• You refused, again
• He wasn't taking 'no' for an answer anymore
• Practically pulled you in to your room
• Not really, he bribed you
• How?
• Despite that threat, he makes you delightful Jambalaya!
• A cup of tea/coffee
• Provides you an aid/medical kit
• Stays for however long you need him to

If someone hurt you:
• He doesn't take it very well
• He acts all subtle on the outside, but definitely not on the inside
• He's debating whether to hunt down this demon
• Either way, he does
• He's already out and about to find this demon
• He really doesn't like giving mercy
• He's just happy enough that you don't see his true form
• He comes back perfectly fine
• Wait, is that an eyeball on his shoulder-


Angel Dust:
• "No one."
• "Ya sure?"
• You had a major habit of bumping in to sh*t
• Especially falling down the stairs
• He still thinks that someone hurt you
• C'mon, how does someone get so many-
• Oh wait
• Oh yeah, that explains it
• The perks of having a k*nky boyfriend
• Even those neck 'bruises'
• He gave you affection
• A lotta it
• But if you were seriously hurt
• He'd make sure you rest
• Provide you snacks
• Snuggles
• Reassures that he'll never let anything happen to you when it comes to other demons harming you

If someone hurt you:
• Yeah, he's already on the verge of beating someone senseless
• Guns and all, maybe
• Of course there's guns involved
• He'll practically beg for you to give the name of this demon
• And once you do, he's OUT
• He comes back; upset because there's blood on his white-coated fur
• "I ruined my fur."
• Teary eyes


• At first, he doesn't even realise until you're limping around
• Eyebrow raise
• "You 'right?"
• "Yep."
• You say before stumbling down
• "Oh, definitely."
• He helps you up
• He thought you were just messing around until he noticed the bruises/scuffs on your legs
• That's when he began to frown
• One of the rare occasions where he actually picks you up and carries you to your room
• He stays by your side
• Asks if you need anything every 10 minutes
• Falls asleep like an ol' b*tch next to you, leaning halfway off the bed

If someone hurt you:
• You can tell he's p*ssed
• His wings were slightly flared
• And his ears wouldn't stop twitching
• Tail constantly flicking
• He was beyond p*ssed
• "This f**kin' b*tch."
• Is the last thing you heard before he left
• You sat there, absolutely confused since you were left alone
• Until Charlie came along to help you
• Let's just say he came back with a bloody nose

• She goes ballistic when she sees all the bruises on you
• Like, she's full on protective over you
• One scar on you, and it was already bad enough
• She'd go to everyone and ask if they know what happened to you
• Turns out you're just really f**king clumsy
• She'd give you ice packs, and some tablets to relieve your pain
• And maybe the aid/medical supplies just incase
• You're forced to stay in your room, or with her at all times
• Handles your shifts
• Makes sure you're well rested
• Prepares your food in bed
• She'll do anything for you
• Literally

If someone hurt you:
• She's BOLTING straight away to that certain someone who dared laid their hands on you
• Her spear right in the air as she runs
• She was a crazy b*tch, but she's your crazy b*tch
• She'll be gone for hours, and hours, and hours
• When she does come back; her hair is messed up and her knuckles are swollen and red
• She handled it very well >.>
• She went to bed right away since she was exhausted

𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥; 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now