𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤.

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• You were rarely a drinker
• Charlie was trying to find you
• You were a HIDER
• She eventually found you underneath your bed
• God knows for how long you've been under there
• "Y/N?"
• Peeks her head under the bed
• You looked like a complete mess
• "Charrllieeee~!"
• Hysterical giggling from you
• She can't comprehend what's even happening
• She quickly bent down just to drag you out from underneath the bed
• Then the whiff of alcohol was smelt
• She took the hint you were drunk
• She doesn't think much of it, though
• She watches you carefully and makes you drink a lot of water
• You refuse it? She tricks you in to saying it's alcohol
• You skull that sh*t down
• Your dumba** pretends that it's strong
• "Holy sh*t, that's strong!"
• "It's water, Y/N."
• "You b*tch." You actually look betrayed
• She makes you lay in bed until you fall asleep


• He'd never think of you drinking
• But you proved him wrong
• Unfortunately, you were all over the place
• He had to constantly watch you and every step you make
• He couldn't even blink without you disappearing
• He needed major help with this
• At this rank, he wished that he never made Husk work here
• Husk did not give a f*ck about the amount of alcohol he gave you, and for the fact you were literally dating Alastor
• "Y/N?"
• He found you lying down in the lobby room
• You were talking to yourself like a weirdo
• He sat down by a nearby couch, making sure that you didn't see him incase you'd run away
• Successful!
• Thankfully, you fell asleep
• He carefully picked you up in a bridal style to your room
• Made sure you were actually asleep before he went to sit on a chair
• Yeah, no, he wasn't leaving you tonight


Angel Dust:
• He found you in his bedroom, hanging upside down off his bed
• He was severely confused
• What the f**k were you doing? You were talking to yourself like an utter idiot
• He snickered
• He couldn't resist. It was weird seeing you like this
• You fell off the bed
• He quickly went to you, lifting you back up on the bed
• "Are you drunk?"
• "....No."
• "Babe?"
• You nodded slowly
• "I'm dr-HIC-unk."
• Another snicker
• You fell forwards, landing in to his fluffy a** chest
• He figured you were really drunk
• At least you weren't a terrible drunk
• He heard you start snoring in his chest
• "Oh my gosh..."
• Playful eye-roll


• "The f**k are you doin'?"
• He stared at you as you were spinning yourself around on the barstool for the past hour
• You just stared blankly at everything as you spun around
• His eyebrow was raised as if he was judging you
• He was, of course
• He sighed out of pure disbelief
• You were f**king drunk
• You obviously lied when you told him that you were capable of drinking
• Well, obviously not
• He didn't want to deal with you drunk, but unfortunately he had to
• He had a deadpan expression throughout the entire night
• You would not stop spinning around
• He got annoyed and gently grabbed your shoulder to make you stop
• You stopped, alright
• Before falling backwards on to the floor
• "Sh*t-"
• He instantly went over to pick you up
• You were passed out within a second of hitting that floor
• Hopefully you'd be alright
• He couldn't be stuffed carrying you to your room
• Instead, he placed you on a nearby couch to sleep on so he could continue serving drinks


• You were a really sneaky, quiet drunk
• She couldn't even tell you were drunk until Charlie warned her
• "Y/N!"
• She went on a rampage to find you
• She HATED when you were drunk
• Especially when you never tell her you're even drinking
• It took her a long time to find you
• Where were you exactly?
• Hiding in the closet
• She facepalmed herself at the state of you
• Playing with the coat hangers like an idiot as if they were Barbie Dolls
• Quite literally, too
• She pulled you out of the closet
• Good job, you came out the closet *claps*
• You scolded her for pulling you out of your spot
• She returned back the scolding
• She was annoyed with you drinking on the job
• She made you drink water and go to bed
• She turned away for one second and you were gone
• You weren't so easy to look after
• Spanish mutters
• "How'd I end up in this situation?"
• This was going to be a long night for poor ol' Vaggie

𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥; 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now