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Everything in Yunho's life was changing, moving so fast that he had no choice but to run. Mingi was the only constant in his life where he could go back to him and feel at ease. There were no expectations, no rush, with Mingi, but now Mingi was moving too. Where does he even start? This friendship is important, and he doesn't want to lose Mingi just because he doesn't have a solution.

It has obviously occurred to him that he hasn't been able to spend time with Mingi like he used to, so he felt a tad anxious at the idea of his friendship with Mingi being on the line.

However, Mingi always proved him wrong. Yes, they both missed hanging out, but they would never truly get upset. Mingi always understood Yunho and supported him no matter what. Mingi can tease the older about not having enough time for him, but when they do find time, it was serene. No one was upset or pensive because they were too busy enjoying the moment in their own little bubble.

Yunho didn't know where to start and what to focus on. In all honesty, he knew Mingi's loyalty to him, Mingi's ability to always choose him, and he could always feel the love Mingi gave him, but he got too comfortable. He became content with their dynamic and hoped that it would never change. He became too complacent with knowing how Mingi would always choose him; he counted on that and just guessed nothing would, well, change.

But things were changing. Even if Mingi didn't want an answer from Yunho, he knew he still had to give him some sort of response, but what was he going to say?

I'm sorry, but there's so much going on that I can't accept your feelings right now because I don't have time for you?

I don't want to disappoint my parents, so we might not work out easily?

Can we stay friends for a couple more years until I can get my shit together and maybe become a lawyer instead of a disappointment?

I do like you, Mingi-yah. How could I not? We've known each other for so long, but I'm really not ready right now? Maybe that one.

One thing was for certain: Mingi would always be in Yunho's life.

This was not going to be some silly game where they don't talk for days, then weeks, then months, then not at all.

Everything was all jumbled up, but it didn't matter. He had to talk to Mingi as soon as possible. Even if he didn't know how to explain himself, he still needed to let the younger man know that he wanted him in his life.

But he had to get through five meetings, morning and afternoon practices, delegating, and leading, all while planning the largest school event of the year. Okay, maybe after that.

"There you are, Mingi-ah!" Wooyoung puffed, finding the taller wedged in between the bookshelves in the middle of god-knows-where with how spacious the library was.

"I'm surprised you aren't in the garden."

"The sun's shining a little too hot today..."

"And you complain about being so pasty."

Mingi didn't return the banter. Wooyoung took notice and immediately hushed, planting himself across from the older. He also noticed the lack of detail in his best friend's outfit. Mingi had his lazy days, but he took pride in his style. His backward, long-sleeved shirt and mismatched joggers signaled Wooyoung that Mingi was too occupied to be bothered.

Something was amiss.

The younger let the silence engulf them until Mingi was ready to discuss. Wooyoung held out his hands for Mingi to take. He knew that the taller found comfort in these small, affectionate gestures. Mingi rarely sulked to the point where Wooyoung had to hunt him down and sit in uneased silence.

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