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"Oh, look at that, my brother's nowhere to be found," Byungho vocalizes, taking a seat next to Mingi.

Mingi's lips flatten in a line as he passes the younger Jeong a plate, "Basketball season's about to start, so he had to go early for-"

"Excuses, hyung," Byungho sang out, chowing down his breakfast.

"Slow down before you dirty your uniform," Mingi warns, pouring the younger a glass of water.

"See, at least you care about me," Byungho mumbles.

Mingi sighs, facing Byungho. What could he even say? It's not like Yunho didn't want to talk to his own brother. He happened to abruptly get a call from his basketball coach to meet him before classes started. He was the co-captain, and as per usual, responsibilities called him. The elder didn't even have time for breakfast.

"We both care about you," Mingi squeezes his cheek, Byungho groaning before swatting his hyung's hand away.

"Are you coming to Fall Fest again today?" Mingi changes the topic, hoping to somehow bring Byungho and Yunho together.

"No, thanks. I told eomma I'd help her with the restaurant today. Why? Do you need help with your booth?"

Mingi's heart melted at how the Jeongs adopted his mother as their own. They were always so kind and considerate to the Songs.

Only if they took the time to be kind to each other.

It would take a while, but they'd eventually get there. Just like whatever was going on between Mingi and Yunho, there was still some sorting to do, but they were getting there.

"I'm all set, thanks. The dance and music club is doing a performance later— thought you'd wanna see," Mingi shakes his head, letting him eat in peace, pushing more food toward the younger.

The start of lunch was odd. People stared at him. A couple snickered in their little cliques, and some whispered, purposely looking at Mingi to get his attention.

There were occasional little bullies here and there, but there weren't usually this many people paying him notice. Did something happen overnight? Mingi doesn't remember doing anything remarkably eye-catching...

Waiting for his friends at lunch never felt more uncomfortable. The longer he sat, the more anxious he felt, the AC blasting against his back. His heart was practically running through his chest, his palms sweating, his foot thumping on the ground.

Why were people looking at him? Talking about him...

Mingi started to sweat some more, the cold air blowing against his skin, his little hairs sticking up from how cold he was getting. It didn't help how dizzy he was getting. Did he forget to take his iron? No...

"It's always the quiet ones, too."

"Who does he even think he is."

"Just because one of the guys gave him attention, he thinks he can have them all."


The whispers got louder, the chortles invading his ears. His eyes darted from every corner. There was a whole sea of red. Why was the whole cheerleading squad in the cafeteria? Chit-chatting about him? It was like a domino effect. People who didn't care were now starting to care.

He was cold, nervous, and ready to throw up from how uneasy the atmosphere got. He was literally just getting noodles for lunch; now, he was the topic of everyone's conversation.

Another cheerleader clad in her red frilly skirt and big yellow bow passed by just to give Mingi a snarky look, upper lip pushed towards her pointy nose, shining with gloss.

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