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Mingi pushed through the door backstage, trying his best to make haste towards the field. He knew better than to burn out his body, but the game was starting soon. The play ended later than expected, and his thirty-minute window to get to Yunho was cut short.

Yunho was going to walk out soon. Mingi picked up his pace, ignoring his racing heart and thanking the sun for setting, the cool air hitting his face.

He dodged the crowd outside, trying his best not to run over the little toddlers out of control.

Mingi was almost there, almost to the agreed place. He spotted Hongjoong, waving for him to hurry.

"Hyung! Where is he?" Mingi yelled, out of breath but blinded by the need to see Yunho.

"He's there, hurry!" The elder pointed him toward the corner of the bleachers next to the fence, a hoard of cheerleaders, the marching band, and football players on the other side, waiting to make their grand entrance.

"Yunho! Yunho!" Mingi hollered, gripping the wire, trying to find Yunho while catching his breath.

"San!" Mingi caught the elder's attention, "San, I need Yunho, please!"

Mingi would have cried finally seeing Yunho in all his football uniform glory if he wasn't trying to ease the ache in his lungs.

"Mingi! Mingi? Hey, what's wrong?" Yunho's voice filled with worry, gripping Mingi's hand through the holes of the fence. Mingi shook his head, holding in his gasps. Yunho was literally about to go out, he did not need to add any more distractions.

"I-I'm fine—I'm sorry, I'm late-" Mingi let out a cough, unable to hold it any longer as he started feeling dizzy from holding in his heaving.

"I thought you wouldn't—"

"Captain, let's go! Let's go!"The boys started cheering, the cheerleaders, the marching band, the crowd, the screams deafening Mingi, but he stood his ground, trying to cover his ears.

"Good luck!" His attempt was muffled by everyone else. Mingi tried to grip Yunho's fingers, but his team pulled him to the center, crowding around him.

He lost Yunho.

Mingi exhaled, wincing at the pain as he crouched down. At least he got to see his best friend before the game. It was better than nothing...

"Mingi!" Hongjoong's voice made it through his ears as he felt arms around him, "Come on, let's get you out of here," Wooyoung held him up, the two leading him out of the yelling fest.

"Drink some more," Hongjoong instructed as Wooyoung rubbed his back gingerly.

After Mingi calmed down, now able to stand on his own, the shorter took his chance, "What was that?" referring to the almost-fainting episode plus the whole Yunho situation.

"I ran too hard."

"And you ran too hard because?" Hongjoong pressed.

"I-I wanted to wish Yunho luck is all. Everything just got hectic," Mingi convinced, blinking apologetically at his hyung, hoping that his explanation would suffice.

"I'm not going to push it, but do you know how worried I was when your Hwa hyung called me?"

Mingi was always so thankful for having such caring friends. He was also thankful for Wooyoung, who did his best to ease Hongjoong's parenting exacerbation. Mingi didn't really want to have to explain everything right then there. Some other time would do.

Thinking about it now, the talk was barely a talk, but he needed to stay positive, even just for a few hours. He did not want any negativity rubbing off on Yunho's game. He got to see Yunho, and that was enough for him. That just meant he had to cheer extra loud for his best friend. Mingi would lose his voice in hopes that all his good energy would transfer.

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