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The last quarter was almost over, but Mingi made it just in time with a freshly picked congratulatory bouquet for Yunho and his team (mainly for Yunho, but the sentiment was there). Mingi didn't need to be told that his school won. Judging by the loud chants of Yunho's jersey number, his best friend scored the final points to secure their win. No surprise there.

"There you are! Let's go congratulate them before they get dragged away," Hong Joong led the other two down the bleachers and towards the group of sweaty football players celebrating their victory.

"Congrats, you beasts!" Hong Joong greeted, holding up his hand in front of San to avoid the incoming hug and pulling Wooyoung over to get the brunt of it all. Wooyoung squealed, being yanked into a sweaty hug by his crush. "Congratulations!" Wooyoung squeaked, not knowing whether to feel disgusted being smothered in sweat or jubilant that the person he liked was hugging the life out of him.

"Yeah, you hug him. Not me," Hong Joong laughed, fist-bumping Yunho. "Congrats, Sannie!" Mingi greeted, deciding to pat the older on the back since San was still currently embracing every inch of his best friend.

"Thanks, guys!" San howled, spinning Wooyoung around, not a care in the world as his team laughed.

Mingi approached Yunho, he still didn't know where they stood, but Mingi was proud of Yunho and he was going to show that. Forget the awkwardness or the uncertainty, he was going to live in the moment with Yunho.

"Nothing new, but good job, Yuyu!" Mingi greeted, jumping in for a hug. A few of his team members and cheerleaders snickered. Yunho felt his face burn red, faltering, but eventually hugged the shorter as the rest of the team 'oohed' and whistled.

Yunho pulled back. Mingi handed him the bouquet. "Sunflowers this time?" Mingi nodded, glad that Yunho recognized. "Thanks, I know—"

"Come on! Let's gooo!" One of the football players yelled, pushing Yunho and San towards the cheerleaders and the rest of the crowd that gathered around them.

"Well, that's our cue to leave," Hong Joong announced, Wooyoung and Mingi in tow. "You've noticed that he hangs out more with those snobby cheerleaders and jocks," Wooyoung pointed out.

"That's the kind of crowd football attracts, but not all of them are bad," Mingi stated matter-of-factly.

"Right, right."

"I smell an argument coming along, how about we get japchae at Gi's place. Jong will meet us there," Hong Joong said as he swung his arms around Mingi and Yunho's necks, earning whines of dissatisfaction.

"Can't breath," the two younger boys protested trying to get out of their hyung's iron grip.

Mingi thought that if he acted differently, he would send the wrong message to Yunho, but the infamous yet endearing name calling, the affectionate touches, the attention—everything that Mingi would normally do received wide-eyed expressions and cautious responses from the older.

As the days went by, he slowly came to terms with the fact that it was all right. Yunho needed time, and that was just fine. Mingi was moving too fast, and Yunho wasn't ready to talk about what happened—that was it, simple as that, nothing more to fret about.

Mingi had come to terms with the idea that it was okay. He stopped feeling the hint of horrid dread every time he saw Yunho or the impending doom he felt when he spaced out, lost in his own thoughts. Maybe he was overdoing it, but that's how it felt in the moment.

Mingi was tracing the little dots on his ceiling, but his thoughts weren't heavy. He was just enjoying the calm before heading to school.

When Yunho was ready, he would come, and they would talk about it. Yunho hasn't necessarily shut him out or given signs that he didn't want to talk to him ever. At least, Mingi didn't think so.

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