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"Mingi, honey, can you serve the customers? I have to go back into the kitchen," Mingi's mother instructed, already making her way into the back of the restaurant. "I got it, ma. Just go," Mingi acknowledged, balancing two trays filled with food and drinks.

The Song's little restaurant was bustling, with more and more customers entering the already crowded eatery. Mingi exhaled before quickening his pace, taking orders, ringing up customers, serving their famous japchae, cleaning tables and spills of careless little kids and grandpas.

Mingi was, to say the least, overwhelmed. However, this was the type of chaos that he didn't mind. He was used to handling the restaurant and dealing with customers. This was not as complicated compared to his current situation.

Speaking of which, Ming hasn't had the time to check his phone. Yunho could have texted or called at any point.

It was not usually this packed at ten in the morning, but there seemed to be an event that took place across the street. Hence, the pandemonium unfolding.

"I'll be with you shortly!" Mingi hollered to the customers who made a line at the front door.

After checking out the people who finished, he scurried to clean the tables for the incoming patrons, only to be met with Yunho, who was gracious enough to tidy up the mess. Mingi internally screamed with relief for the help, but when would they get the time to actually talk things out? That was the reason Yunho came by in the first place.

"Here," Mingi expressed his thankfulness, handing Yunho an apron and a wet rag. "let's get it done," Yunho encouraged. This wasn't the taller's first rodeo, he's helped the Songs plenty of times in the past.

They fell into their routine, Mingi would serve and check out the customers, while Yunho cleaned the tables and handled anything extra the customered asked for. Mingi's mother busied herself in the kitchen, overseeing the cooking.

Through the madness, Mingi and Yunho found themselves making small talk, joking around every time they passed each other.

"If we're lucky, that kid will spill his drink on himself and not on the floor," Yunho whispered, nudging his chin toward the crying kid, who was now doused in water. Mingi giggled, hitting the older on the arm. "Don't wish bad upon my customers," Mingi quipped, a hint of playfulness in his tone as he pushed Yunho to help the family out.

It seemed like everything was back to normal. It was fine when they had something to talk about, something to distract them from the topic at hand.

"Yuyu, you're a lifesaver for real," Mingi was so grateful that he couldn't help but envelope the taller in a hug after most of the customers had dissipated. Yunho hesitated but eventually patted the latter's back in support.

"You guys take your break and eat," Mingi's mother smiled at the two, dismissing them from their tumultuous morning labor.

"I wish I could eomma, I have to head to school to prepare for my football game."

Right, Yunho's game.

"Ah! Good luck, you'll do great—wait, you're going to the game then, Mingi-ah?" She asked curiously as Yunho eyed the two Songs inquisitively. Mingi immediately nodded, dismissing his mother's question.

"Yes, Mom, I'll be fine, don't worry— um, thanks again for the help, Yu," Mingi's answer was rushed, immediately directing the attention back to Yunho. "We definitely appreciate it, whenever your hungry just come by," Mrs. Song thanked.

Was there something going on that Yunho didn't know? Mingi always came to Yunho's games. Usually, he left in the middle but would always come back afterward. Why did it seem like Mingi's mother didn't know that he was attending his games? Yunho was probably overthinking. Maybe he was imagining things.

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