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The guy just up and left, didn't even contact us after all these years. Mingi could practically feel his cousin rolling his eyes, his voice traveling out through the phone's speaker.

"Sangie, I swear, you don't like any of my friends except Wooyoung-ah," Mingi pointed out, rummaging through his closet to find a suitable outfit that matched the cool weather.

Woo's a peach. Your other guy friends, not so much.

"If you're just gonna complain about my friends, I'm hanging up," Mingi groaned, tossing a pair of jeans for a nice flowy skirt and a sweater.

He was going into the market to run some errands for his mother and his clubs, plus Wooyoung's, who was stuck on tutoring duty for the baseball team. Mingi opted to actually leave school on time to buy supplies he needed to eventually bring back to school. It seemed as if the endgame was always school these past few months.

Your childhood best friend coming back—cute, great, splendid. But the thing going on between you and your current bestie, I don't know. Mingi sighed. He loved Yeosang with every bone in his body, but his cousin could get a tad bit overprotective, to say the least.

"We're fine, we're just taking a break-"

A break? You guys aren't even fucking dating. I get that he might not be ready, but sweetie, don't waste your time. There he went again, protective cousin mode ON.

Mingi did find it heartwarming at how feisty his cousin could get over him. He knew that Yeosang didn't mean any harm, well, not one hundred percent, but when he gets the time to actually socialize with his friends, he'd love them. Mingi was sure of it.

"I'm not! Sangie, Yunho's not a bad guy—he's just busy all the time," the line came out automatically. Mingi faltered for a moment, feeling a sort of deja vu as he felt the tinge of sadness, but soon brushed it off, remembering that he and Yunho were fine. Just the little nuisance at the back of his brain making him overthink again.

So busy he doesn't have time for his own best friend? Make that make sense, Min-


Fine, I'll drop it. I just don't want you putting your one hundred percent on someone who doesn't even know what he wants in the first place. I don't want you getting hurt and you can't argue with that. At the end of the day, Yeosang knew that Mingi was capable of handling himself, but he'd be damned if anyone hurt his cousin, especially some one-foot-in, one-foot out in-the-closet dunce.

"I know. I'm not. Thanks, Sangie."

"Oranges check, gochugaru check, cat food check, pots, ribbons eggs check check check..." Mingi whispered to himself as he ticked off each item from his phone. Now that a majority of what he needed was in his cart, it weighed more than he could actually lug to the school, even with the short distance. Mingi didn't think that far... He could call a taxi, but the school was literally a few blocks up.

The taxi could be a waste of money... but he just had easily dropped ten times the cost with his errand run. Mingi shook his head, laughing internally at the thought. He also knew that if he overexerted himself, that would be another issue to deal with.

Yunho was the only one he knew who could drive, but even then, he was busy with football practice, and he didn't even take his car to school because of how close he lived.

He could ask Wooyoung and Jongho for help. Maybe the baseball team...

Mingi pouted, staring at his phone screen, hoping for a miracle to pop up.

"Oh my god, Mingi, just spend the taxi mon-" Mingi's self-babbling was interrupted by the miracle making itself known as his ringtone blared.

Mingi answered.

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