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The following chapter contains references of abu$e.

I had been in this random house for two months now, chained to this bed and only let out to shower at the same time every single night, I assume it's the same time because this place doesn't even have a damn clock. I couldn't eat proper meals, I was only fed leftovers of what he didn't eat. I could tell how malnourished I was becoming. My wrists and ankles were beginning to become cut from how long I'd been chained up. I couldn't do it anymore, I'd managed to survive two months of abuse and I knew I could escape it.

I couldn't handle him doing things I didn't want him to do to me anymore, I couldn't handle him shoving all of the substances up my nose and injecting them into me. He had told me a few times this was his way of getting back at all the women in his life who had hurt him, but why me? I'd been hurt by so many men in life but I'd never think about hurting innocent people.

It was early morning from what i could tell by the small window in here, I'd not seen proper sunlight in two months, I couldn't even tell you what month it was. Troy had fallen asleep whilst watching me, I don't know why I had built up the courage to escape this time of all times but I couldn't take being away from trin anymore, I had a gut feeling that the situation with lando wasn't exactly how it seemed. I felt guilty for what I had done but I also didn't want to think about what he had done with lusia whilst they were drinking at a club.

I began to try and slip my hand out of the handcuffs, I guess he couldn't get them small enough to fit my hand and I just about managed to slip my hand out, making it as small as I possibly could. I then laid the chain down flat so it couldn't make noises against the metal and slowly began to move to the other hand. Once I had unclipped that one which I couldn't unfortunately just slip out of. Rookie mistake from him for not making the other one tight enough I began to sit up trying to not wake Troy up and began to undo my legs which was actually much easier than I thought. Thankfully the bed wasn't too noisesy so I managed to slide out of the bed onto my feet. I felt weak but I tiptoed past Troy and ran straight up the stairs before heading into the living room and searching for the keys as quietly as I could.

I managed to find the keys hidden in a cup in the cupboard and I headed straight for the door and bolted it, I ran and ran and ran until I came across a public phone box which funnily enough had money on the floor next to it, I sometimes wonder if kind residents do this for homeless people wanting to contact someone.
Luckily I could remember trins number as it was pretty simple. I began to dial it before she picked up.


Landos pov

I was awoken by trin violently shaking in me screaming in my ear that nessa had phone her, I shot up from my bed, headed to get my coat and trin headed for her keys, we began driving around to find our girl.

I couldn't believe that she was out, I didn't know where she was and trin told me to call the police and say we had heard from her, they promised they'd be right with us if we heard from her.

The fact she was talking and Alive made me relieved, trin told me before nessa hung up she'd told her she loved both of us, that gave me some reassurance that I'd be forgiven eventually but right now my only hope was seeing her okay.


I ran and ran and ran until I came across a coffee shop that was open, it was still quite early and most shops wernt opening for another hour or so, so this had to be the one. I ran into the front desk and explained what had happened to the manager and they took me into the back and called the police straight away. She was a lovely woman called Claire and she reassured me that I was safe here and that they wouldn't let anything happen.

I could hear sirens wailing in the distance before I heard someone burst in the door and scream "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE? THATS MY GIRLFRIEND"

I knew that voice... it was Troy's.

"She isn't yours" I heard another voice say, it sounded like landos.

"HANDS UP SIR" I heard a bunch of men come bursting into the shop from out of the back. They were shouting and before I could even process it I had lando and trin rushing in with Claire holding me in both their arms sobbing. I began to sob with them and for the first time in two months I actually felt safe. I didn't even care what lando had done to me right now, I knew he had his best interests at heart or he wouldn't even be here right now. I'm a forgiving person and I hoped he'd have a good reason for everything that happened.

"I've missed you so much beautiful, but I'd better leave you here to talk to lando, I need to speak to the officers and see where we need to go forwards from here" trin explained.

I moved text to lando and laid in his arms on the floor, I was nervous to hear what came out of his mouth.

"Lando I know I've just been through hell, I know you have thousands of questions and I'm not ready to talk about it, I don't even believe half of it happened, I'm in shock but I need to know what happened with you and lusia. Just tell me please" I begged.

He sighed and began to explain..
"When I left home I had unblocked her, in the hopes that if I gave her what she wanted she'd finally leave me alone, but more so you, I did it all for you which sounds stupid when I explain what happened but I did. I ended up meeting her at her hotel and giving her I guess what she wanted. I'll get to the point I slept with her, and in the moment it was great, I thought it was what I wanted so I told her we could make it work. I liked how fucked up my life felt but I felt like I deserved it for how much she hurt you but if anything I hurt you by what I did... I ended up getting drunk and going to the club, I wanted to give her the attention and then leave like she would with me, I thought if I hurt her this would all stop. I ended up going back to the hotel with her but nothing happened and then when I woke up I saw all the posts and left, I didn't know she was the one who had texted you those images. I didn't even know it was taken and I didn't want you to see it because I was doing it to get rid of her. Then I slammed the door in her face whilst I was absolutely off my face and told her to never speak to me again. I'll let the police tell you the rest of the details to do with her but I don't expect you to forgive me and I'm so fucking sorry my beautiful girl" he cried.

I just laid their in his arms, stroking his hair "I already forgave you when I woke up in that random house and realised how quick things can be taken from you" i cooed and then planted a kiss on his forehead.

Trin came in and informed me that I would need to head to the police station with her and lando and inform them on everything. It would be a few days before they could come back with any sort of information though but they needed to know everything.

I got into the car with them and headed straight to the station, I wasn't even nervous, I wasn't scared, It almost felt like I was telling someone else's story.

We got there and I was rushed straight into another room by officers, they were kind and listened to the story and explained everything. They asked me if he was the man and I agreed. It was clear to them with my help that they'd found the man, but they wasn't sure if he had links to Lusia. That they would need to investigate so I wouldn't know for a couple of days.

Once they had every bit of information from me, Lusia and lando took me by both my hands and lead me to her car. They both reassured me that they'd be staying with me and lando would not be leaving unless he really had to. They didn't want to think too far ahead but rather focus on me right now I think.

Once we arrived back at home which felt like forever and made me realise how stupid I was for going this far away randomly, I decided to head straight to the spare room with lando and I crashed out almost immediately, I could feel landos arms cradling me, asif he was doing his best to protect me of anything bad happening to me.

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