Chapter 1

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Zeus POV

"Perseus Jackson is dead!"

These were the first words that Hermes uttered as soon as the emergency meeting began.

He had been doing paperwork dating back to the Second World War, and the unexpected news of a sudden emergency council had caught him unawares, making him jump 12 feet in the air, effectively knocking down all the papers on his desk.

Needless to say, he was annoyed, and would probably unleash his wrath upon a few puny mortals if this was about Aphrodite losing her comb or Hermes losing a package that he was supposed to deliver.

But hearing these words left him shell-shocked. The Hero of Olympus was dead! 

He would never admit this in front of anyone else, but he had taken a liking to his nephew. He could not even begin to imagine how Poseidon would be feeling at the death of his favourite son.

There was a moment of shocked silence before all hell broke loose. Even Hades and Hestia, the calmest among the gods, joined the fray.

"Quiet!", he thundered, slamming his master bolt on the ground. "Hermes, continue. What happened?"

Hermes nodded, "I was delivering some mail to the demigods when I came across a letter addressed to Percy. I asked a few demigods about where he could be found, and they replied he was probably in the arena or the forest. I had already checked the arena, so I went to the forest, where I found this."

He waved his hand, and a boy's body appeared. He had unruly raven hair and was covered from head to toe in scars. Dried blood covered his body. His clothes had been torn to shreds. A drakon bone sword was buried in the small of his back, passing clean through.

Every god in attendance gasped. The boy in front of us was no other than THE Perseus Jackson, known to his friends and family as 'Percy'.

"Summon both the camps", I said. "The happenings will be investigated in front of all the gods."

Hermes and Apollo flashed away, while the rest of us tried to comfort Poseidon, who was understandably distraught, to say the least.

*Time skip till after Apollo and Hermes return*

The demigods of both camps were assembled in front of the council.

I started speaking, "Demigods, it has been brought to the attention of the council that Percy Jackson, the twice saviour of Olympus has been killed." There were several audible gasps at this, but surprisingly, most were from the Romans and Hunters. "We would like to know the cause of this."

"He was nothing but a fraud!"

"Yeah, all he did was to brag about things he probably didn't do!"

"Good riddance!"

To everyone's surprise, these statements came from the Greek campers.

Every mortal and immortal who was still loyal to Percy bristled with anger.

"How dare you say that about my son?" Poseidon said in a deathly calm voice.

One camper dared to talk back. "Believe it or not, Lord Poseidon, but he was just an attention-seeker. We are better off without him."

The Romans drew their weapons.

After preventing World War 3, which would lead to a drastic increase in paperwork, the council unanimously decided to probe the Greek campers' minds.

The results shocked us even more! The majority of the Greeks were jealous because of the attention Percy received from us, while Annabeth had just participated because she wanted the title of camp leader. She also believed that Percy got too much credit for the quests, while most of the work was done by the others.

They had collectively tortured Percy,both physically and mentally, and the final blow had been struck by Annabeth. Thalia and Nico had not been present to stop this foolishness.

Thus, wounded fatally, he had succumbed to his injuries.

We sent the campers back, trying to process this revelation.

Suddenly, Thanatos appeared and whispered something in Hades' ear.

"No", Hades yelled. "This is not possible! Are you certain?"

Thanatos nodded and flashed away.

"What is it, Uncle Hades?" Athena asked, her curiosity taking over and overpowering her anger at her daughter's betrayal of such a loyal and capable demigod.

"Percy cannot be dead. His soul did not arrive in the underworld. It has disappeared."


A cliffhanger :-)

Cue the evil smile ☺ 

Signing off, Bookasura

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