Chapter 6

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Percy pulled out Anaklusmos (Riptide) and spoke clearly, "I return this sword to its original and rightful owner, to wield and control as she wishes. May she be reborn!"

Phoebe POV

What was Lady Artemis thinking?

Bringing a male guardian into camp, even though she knew very well that all males turned out to be the same. Sure, this boy had suffered more than a normal male, but he had also got not one, but two of her sisters in all but blood killed in one quest. Zoe Nightshade and Bianca Di Angelo.

She had not known Bianca for long, but Zoe had been her best friend since she had joined the hunt centuries ago. If there was one thing that she knew about Zoe, it was that she would never sacrifice herself for a male.

Now, the same boy, whose fault the death of her best friend had been, had been declared as the guardian of the hunt and dared to make false promises, saying that he could bring Zoe back. 

For some reason, Lady Artemis and Thalia kept trying to stop her when she reminded the boy about all the deaths he had caused.

Then he surprised her. The boy pulled out Anaklusmos (Riptide) and spoke clearly, "I return this sword to its original and rightful owner, to wield and control as she wishes. May she be reborn!"

The sword turned into a wisp of silver and flew upward into oblivion.

"What did this accomplish, boy", she said, spitting out the word 'boy' with disgust. "Not only did you WASTE OUR TIME, but you also SACRIFICED A GOOD WEAPON that could have been useful in the upcoming hunts!"

The stupid male ignored her. "Come on, Zoe. Anytime now", he murmured under his breath.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in the sky. What seemed like a shooting star seemed to be heading right toward us. The boy stood with his hands outstretched, as if trying to catch it.

"HIT THE DECK", she yelled.

The boy caught it! Or well, her. Peeking over his shoulders, I saw black hair and coppery skin, which reminded me of Zoe... Wait a minute. That was Zoe.

Zoe was back!

(So tempted to leave it here........)


One second, she was in Ouranos' palace, trying to avoid Orion and his countless advances, and the next, she found herself falling. She blacked out from the force being applied on her, but she saw sea green eyes just before she lost consciousness. Eyes that reminded her of Percy's.

Time skip :-)

She woke up in a silver tent.

Her first thought was, "Where am I? Why does this remind me of the hunt?"

"Zoe?" she heard someone say. "Are-are you awake?"

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her best friend sat in front of her! This either meant that she was alive again, or that Phoebe had also died heroically and was placed in the stars. She hoped that it was the latter, so that she wouldn't have to face Orion again.

She nodded. Tears were rolling down Phoebe's face.

Suddenly, a voice broke her out of her musings. "Is she awake yet, Phoebe?"

"My Lady? Is yond very much thee (Is that really you)?", she asked. 

"I still see that you have your old English, Zoe. You haven't changed a bit!", Artemis said.

"Oh my gods! Her English somehow got worse!" This was, of course, Thalia, who hadn't changed a bit. She still wore punk clothes and had choppy black hair.

"Did shut thy trapeth, Thalia (Shut your trap, Thalia)", she growled.

"Young lady, you better not die again, or I will revive you and kill you again." This was, once again, Artemis.

"W'rry not, mine own mistress. I planeth not on dying anytime lief (Don't worry, My Lady. I don't plan on dying anytime soon)", she replied.

"Oh don't worry, Lady Artemis", butted in the Hero of Olympus. She couldn't help but notice that Phoebe tensed on hearing his voice, making her wonder wether she had missed something. "She can't die even if she wants to!"

"Prayeth bid, wherefore is yond (Pray tell, why is that)?" Zoe asked.

"Oh, I dunno", Percy replied dryly with a grin. "Maybe because she is immortal now."


Hey guys.

So... Another cliffhanger. I know, I am just too evil. Cue evil laugh.

On a more serious note, please leave your feedback in the comments. Also, the following parts may be posted inconsistently. I won't abandon this story though.

On this cheerful note,

Bookasura out.

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