Chapter 3

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Little did they know that they were heading for nothing but disaster...

Chiron's POV (not what you expected, I know)

The camp was in a frenzy, to say the least.

Demigods were running around, preparing to defend the camp border. The Romans had set up a military camp in front of Half-Blood Hill. He could only watch with sadness as a civil war was being declared among demigods. According to the Romans, Greeks had treated their honorary praetor unfairly and deserved to be punished.

He agreed that Percy had been treated unfairly, but thought it was overkill to declare war, especially considering the circumstances. He had sensed a trace of ancient magic in the camp. No doubt, this was Gaia's last stand, taking everything away from the hero who had spoiled her plans by targeting his fatal flaw, loyalty. The Earth mother had exacted her revenge.

He felt guilty. He had just stayed silent as injustices were committed against the best hero he had ever trained. But what could he possibly have done? Though not a god, he was still a child of Kronos, the Titan lord of time. He was, to some extent, bound by the ancient laws.

He walked over to the hearth, where he knew he would find some warmth and hope.

"Hello, Chiron", said Hestia, goddess of the hearth. "What brings you here?"

"You know why I am here, my lady. I too think that Percy has been wronged, but, as a trainer of heroes, I cannot watch my students fight among themselves. This will only lead to the destruction of both camps!"

Hestia sighed. "You are right, Chiron. I too sense Gaia's magic at work here. But magic cannot create feelings. It can only amplify them. This was Gaia's plan all along. I, for one, believe that the Greeks deserve justice, but this is not the way to deliver it."

With that, she flashed away. Only a miracle could save them now...

Artemis' POV

She could not believe it. The world's best male, who had somehow befriended her old lieutenant, Zoe Nightshade, was dead.

Then Hephaestus had told them that he was still alive, but his soul was fighting to get freedom from his new body.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash. When the light died away, a breathtaking sight met her eyes. There stood a perfectly crafted humanoid, made out of a mixture of celestial bronze, imperial gold and mortal iron. There were streaks of blue since it was his favourite colour. Despite the awe-inspiring sight, there was a posture that seemed to radiate coldness.

"Hello, Mykonos", Hephaestus was the one to speak up after a few moments of awed silence. He had already explained to us that Mykonos was the name of the AI he had used to control the body until Perseus' soul took over. "What is the status of the control transfer?"

"Lord Hephaestus", it replied in its mechanical voice, bowing. "Perseus seems to want to go somewhere. His soul keeps trying to break free."

"I think Hera should do her thing and read his mind. And while you are at it, Hera, tell him to eat more cereal. It is good for health."

Artemis rolled her eyes. This was obviously Demeter.

Hera ignored the last part and closed her eyes in concentration. After a few moments, she said, "It seems that Mykonos is correct. He wishes to travel to the underworld to receive what he deserves."

"So he wishes to enter Elysium? Or probably the Isles of the Blest?" Hades mused.

"No, that's not it", Hera continued with a gasp. "He thinks he deserves the Fields of Punishments due to the number of other heroes who sacrificed their lives for him."

"What do you mean?" Poseidon asked.

"What it means, fish brain", Athena said, "is that he feels guilty."


Another one done!

Man, I am completely wiped out. I think I'll just wrap it up.

Bookasura out.

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