Chapter 10

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Hey guys. I'm back! (quick drumroll) I was gone for a long time. But now exams are over and I'm ready to ROCK AND ROLL! I hope you enjoyed the story this far and will continue to read it.


Nitya's POV

They were at a temporary camp designed to accommodate just the two of them. Percy had left to hunt for some prey, and she was left alone with her thoughts.

Up until this point, she had been alone. She didn't have any friends. Everyone always seemed to think that she was strange. Sometimes, even random strangers sometimes crossed the road to get away from her.

But when she turned ten, suddenly a particular group of people had tried to swarm her, taking a sudden intrest in her. She found this suspicious, and her theories were proved when they turned into a batch of monsters.

She had been on the run, trying to get away from them when she had been found by Percy.

Her instinct had told her that she could trust him, and her instinct was almost always correct. Now, here she was, waiting for him, warming her hands by the hearth.

She was jarred from her thoughts by a rustle in the leaves.  Suddenly, a figure made of metal emerged hauling a huge bear along with it.

"Who are you?" She asked. "What have you done to my friend?"

The figure smirked and turned into the familiar silhouette of Percy, or as he liked to be called, Perseus.

"Glad to know that you care", he said with a smile. "I found a bear that we can cook for you."

"Wait. You are made of metal", she said, still unable to comprehend what she had just witnessed. "And won't you eat?"

"Yes and no", he said. "I'm made of metal. Can't really eat anything even if I want to."

Oh was her intelligent reply. Did he really think she could eat such a huge bear?

"You'll have to get used to it, kid", he said. "You're gonna need all your strength if you are to be a part of the hunt."

"Uhh... Did I just say that out loud? And what is the hunt?"

"Yes you did. The hunt is basically a group of badass partially immortal ladies that kill men and monsters alike, and practice with bows and hunting knives." He explained. "Now get ready. We're going to fly to their camp."


Just then, wings made of silver metal popped out of his back. "Never should have asked", she said with a grin, probably her first in months.

She climbed onto his back. A pair of boosters powered up under his feet, making them shoot into the sky faster than even Apollo or Hermes could even wish to travel.

[Time Skip]

Percy POV

The duo arrived at the campsite to find it quite empty. He groaned. Of course Artemis would make his life difficult because he was later than he had promised.

He tracked Artemis using the essence of Anaklusmos, the famed sword that had held Zoe's immortality for long. They once again shot across the sky.

This time, upon reaching their destination, Percy found the hunters, surrounded by a particular group monsters. A group of very dangerous.... Drakons! Headed by none other than Kampe. He silently cursed the fates. He was preparing to engage the monsters, but suddenly realised that Nitya was still on his back.

Conveniently, she had fallen asleep. (Note the sarcasm)

He gently shrugged her off, and placed her in a nearby bush and leapt into action, transforming his hand into a sword covered with Greek fire, courtesy of Hephaestus. As soon as he did this, all the enemies turned to him, taking their focus off the hunters and bringing it to the new threat.

They all charged as one......

A cliff hanger! Amazing ending! I know that this one is short, and late, but I started at 11:59, so not really late... As for short, I will write a longer one tomorrow. Today, I was just readjusting to my writing style... ( Sounds weak even to me but it's the truth )

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