Chapter 11

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[Artemis POV]

They had been ambushed.

She had sent Perseus to retrieve Hecate's daughter, and he was late. The hunters decided not to wait for him. He was a guardian after all. He should be able to track them.

So, they packed up according to schedule and set out for their new camp 40 miles away. Little did they know that the monsters would be lying on wait for them.

On the way, they encountered several groups of monsters like Telkhines and dracanae.

When they finally did reach their new campsite, they realised that they were completely surrounded by monsters. And not just any monsters, but mighty drakons and Kampe herself.

They couldn't fight; their bows would be useless in such close quarters and they weren't trained in melee combat.

The prideful Artemis was forced to surrender.

Now, she wished she had waited. He was the only one amongst the ranks of hunters who knew how to weild a sword. She made a mental note to ask Percy to teach sword fighting to her hunters.

Now they were defenceless.

[Percy POV]

He leapt in to battle with the monsters. It was probably the dumbest and most impulsive decision in his life, but he couldn't do anything about it.

He was still just as loyal and would do anything to protect his friends and family.

He slashed and parried, dodging the sprays of acid shot at him, letting his battle senses take over. 

He saw nothing but red.

When he finally did stop to catch for breath, he noticed the Artemis and her hunters, even Phoebe, looking at him in awe. He realised that he had finished off every Drakon. The only monster left now was Kampe, and he would need all the support he could get. "Kampe", he said while discreetly moving towards the nearest hunter, who happened to be Zoe. "We meet again. Still too fat to wield those scimitars, I see. 

He was trying to buy time for the hunters. He signalled to Zoe to free the others, but he could tell that this would take time. His plan was to distract Kampe at any cost and to get her to focus on him. 

It worked. Kampe growled and charged. His battle instincts were the only thing preventing him from getting obliterated.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to hold out for long. For the first time since his rebirth, fear made it's way back into Perseus' mind. He leaped into a bush, taking cover from a berserk Kampe, who had started destroying trees in her pursuit of the demigod.

Percy could not think of anything more he could do. Making a quick decision in his mind, he stood up, and gripped his sword tight. Then he did the dumbest most Percy-ish thing ever. He charged at the furious monster. 

Only the momentarily shock of this foolish decision kept Kampe frozen at place. Perseus took his chance, jabbing Anaklusmos straight into her maw, even as arrows started raining down upon the hideous monster.

Before Kampe could react, Artemis walked out of her cover, arrow notched. It was pointed at Kampe's heart. "You shall never mess with my hunters again, foul monster. Remain in Tartarus and do not show your face again." She shot the arrow.

But before the arrow could hit its target, Kampe made her final move. She launched her scimitar at Perseus. Time seemed to slow down. Every present being knew that neither magic nor celestial being could prevent the deadly attack, specially if the fates willed it to be so.

Suddenly, not one but two yells pierced the air. One was from Nitya and the other was from Zoe.

Both ran toward him, but Nitya, being younger, was more agile. She got there first and pushed him out of dangers way. The scimitar nicked her and slammed into a tree.

The tree immediately started to wither, its leaves turning brown. Even Nitya started to pale. The small nick was enough to deliver the potent poison.

He had been saved, but now Nitya, the daughter of Hecate was in mortal danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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