Chapter 7

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Reyna's POV

The war council had been summoned. There was a new development. The Greeks had mobilised. Either they were foolish or had a death wish if they wanted to face the mighty Roman army.

Presently, most of the Romans were at the war camp, with just a skeletal defence group remaining at Camp Jupiter. In fact, a huge number of the citizens residing in New Rome had volunteered to fight for the honour of their fallen comrade and praetor who had recovered the pride of the legion, their golden eagle, which completed their slogan of 'Legionis XII (Twelfth Legion Fulminata)'. He had fought for them and defended the camp when it was needed. In turn, they would honour him, and show him respect. 

Also, most of the seven had joined them. Only Annabeth remained because she was the leader of the Greeks, and in turn, their enemy, and Percy, who was dead.

Lost in her thoughts, she almost didn't realize that she was at the command tent. He entered, only to find the seven waiting for her. Nico Di Angelo was also present, along with Rachel Elisabeth Dare [I dare not say RED ;-)]. Wasn't Nico supposed to be one of the people who betrayed Percy?

As if reading her mind, he said, "I am not here to fight, Reyna. I am here to surrender."

"Why?" she asked.

He sighed. "I was one of the people to betray Percy. I didn't mean to, of course, none of us did, but Gaia cast some sort of spell on us. It made us hate him. Some part of me already blamed him for my sister's death, and the spell took advantage of that. I have come to make amends. I was freed from the smell by my father. The others' hubris makes them lose their rationality and act based on what the spell tells them." He was ready to burst into tears at this point.

"Oh", she said smartly. 

"Wait a second," Frank intervened. "How do we know that this isn't a trojan horse, a trick of the Graecus Scum, to infiltrate our ranks?"

Nico looked at him sceptically. "If you really doubt me, then I swear on the Styx that everything that I just said was true. I am here for redemption."

Everyone present looked at each other. Then they looked at Reyna for her decision. 

"Very well, Nico. I believe you. But, to prove to the legion that you are trustworthy, you shall be given a task. Complete the task, and you will be accepted into our ranks. Fail to do so, and a very painful experience awaits you, though not at our hands."

"Very well, oh great praetor", he said sarcastically. "What is the task you present to me, I wonder."

Ignoring the sarcasm directed her way, she replied, "You shall visit the hunters and the amazons to corroborate the status of their participation in the war for justice!"

Nico's POV

After hearing his task, he blanched. He was afraid. Both the Amazons and the Hunters of Artemis hated males, and he was one. This, coupled with his role in Percy's death would almost certainly lead to his murder. "Ironic", he thought. "The 'Prince of Death' himself is afraid of dying."

"Please Reyna", he said. This quest will almost certainly get me killed. Give me another task. Any other task. I'll do it."

"Would you rather clean the toilets with a toothbrush and wear the Roman traditional dress to improve the legion's spirit for the duration of the war?" she asked innocently. This suggestion

He paled. Firstly, to say that the toilets reeked would be a massive understatement. Also, the Roman traditional dresses were too colorful for him. He liked to wear black clothes, and colorful clothes was just not his thing. Reyna was cruel to suggest that.

"I'll just do the first quest."

"I thought so", Reyna said with an innocent smile.

He was already starting to regret his decision. Maybe cleaning toilets would be the better option...


I know I'm cruel, leaving the last cliffhanger still hanging. But this needed to happen. How long has it been since I last updated about the little tiff between the Romans and the Greeks?

Anyway, Merry Christmas! Well, in India anyway.

I'll try to update as soon as I can, but I don't think I'll get a chance until next week. 

Bookasura out

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