Chapter 9

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He had a feeling that he was going to be interrogated, and there was nothing he could do...

Artemis' POV

Everything had been going smoothly. Perseus had slowly been forgetting his past life. He had been adjusting to the hunt, to being the man of metal. But, of course, the fates thought the boy deserved more pain.

At the moment when both Perseus and the hunt were adjusting to each other, the son of Hades had to drop by to ruin everything. Thankfully, Perseus appeared as a humanoid warrior, so Nico, or whatever the boy's name was couldn't recognise him.

"Speak, boy", she said coldly, turning to the Hades spawn.

"Milady, I come on behalf of the Romans", the boy replied. "Praetor Reyna wants to know on which side the hunt will be on the Graeco-Roman war."

"You come on behalf of Camp Jupiter, yet you were one of the many demigods on the Greek side to betray the Hero of Olympus, for whose death the Romans want retribution. How is that possible?" she asked.

"Lady Artemis, none of the Greeks wanted to betray Percy. We were all under a spell cast by Gaia. This was her final card."

"No magic can create feelings, son of Hades. Not even Aphrodite can do that. Magic can only amplify them. Anyway, the hunt will be staying neutral in this conflict. We do not believe that all Greeks should be wiped out, though they should certainly receive punishments."

"My Lady," Perseus said. "I would like to go to the battlefield to try and stop the conflict."

She studied him for a moment. "Very well, Guardian. You have my permission."

"Umm, guardian?" Nico said. "I don't think that would be productive. The Romans are hell-bent on war."

It was already too late. Perseus had already flown away.

Nico's POV

He sighed, wondering what the guardian had in mind. He shadow-travelled to the Roman camp.

The Amazons were already there. On both sides of the field, armies were assembled, both Roman and Greek. Suddenly, a conch horn blew, signalling the start of the Romans' attack.

The Roman and Greek armies surged toward each other. But before they could clash, a figure radiating power landed in the middle of the battlefield, creating a crater.

"The guardian!" Nico realised.

"Romans", he bellowed. "As your Praetor, I command you to fall back. There will be no war today."

Reyna stepped forward. "Who are you?" she asked. "You can't be our praetor as you are a machine, not a human."

"I used to be human", he replied. His form shimmered. Suddenly, his form resembled Percy! Gasp rang through the armies.

"How?" Reyna asked. "You were dead."

He grinned. "Nothing can keep me down."

Then, his body started humming. Before anybody could react, Percy Jackson flew away, without sparing a glance to the Greeks. The Greeks did not offer any resistance. Apparently, they could not see the projection on the metal skin.

[Time Skip: A few days]

Percy's POV

Percy was just minding his own business, doing the chores assigned to him as a part of the hunt. He had set into a routine, and it was almost a normal life. Well, about as normal as it could get with a bunch of man-hating girls and a Greek goddess who was sometimes Roman.

For him, it was a well deserved break from the constant danger that came with the life of a demigod. Most of the hunters treated him well. With Zoe back, the respect that the hunters had for him grew over time. In fact, Phoebe was the only one who avoided him.

He had somehow learned to fire an arrow straight and not miss the target.

Of course, all of this had to change.

He was washing clothes in the stream near camp, when he saw a god flash near him out of the corner of his eye.

When the light died down, he saw none other than the goddess of the mist, Hecate.

"Lady Hecate, what can I do for you?"

"Perseus Jackson", she said creepily. "I need a favour."

"What is it lady Hecate?"

"One of my daughters is on the run. She is being chased by a Cyclops and a few Hellhounds. I want you to rescue her and bring her to the hunt," she replied. "Oh, and she's Indian."

"Okayyyyyyyyy..., but what is in it for me?"

"I suppose I will owe you a favour," Hecate said. "You can use it whenever you need it. Also, I have already discussed this with Artemis."

"And how will I find her?"

"Use this torch", she said, handing him something that looked like a keychain. "It will glow when you are facing the direction she is in."

"Oh", he replied smartly, and flew away on his quest. 

[Time Skip]

Before long, he had found the girls location.

He swooped down on the monsters, sending them back to Tartarus with a few well placed slashes.

When he finally turned around, he saw a girl who looked around 14 or 15. She had black hair and brown eyes.

"What is your name?" he asked her.

"Why should I tell you?" the girl shot back. "You could be a monster."

"I'm not", he replied. "I'm Perseus 'Percy' Jackson. Your mother sent me to take you to a safe place. And before you say anything, let me tell you that your mother is a Greek goddess. So, what is your name?"

After a moment, she replied, "My name is Nitya."


Hey guys.

This chapter is dedicated to one of my friends, whose Secret Santa I've become this year.

Bookasura out...

P.S.: I might not update the next chapter for a while as my exams are coming up. I will try my best to update as soon as I can though.

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