04.The Bonfire.

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"Light em up" Alby shouts out as people with long spears with fire flaming at the end throw them at the mountain of wood,the fire lights up the  glade,people cheered out ,some bang on  drums ,some try to show by doing tricks

Thomas sneaks away from the boys and sits with his back against a large log,Newt follows behind him with a cup filled with some sort of yellow liquid

"Hell of a first day greenie"Newt says with a smile as he sits down next to Thomas,he looks at Thomas "here put some hair on ya chest"he lifts his arm out and puts the cup in Thomas' hands

hesitantly Thomas brings the jug up to his mouth after a few seconds he spits the strange liquid out and coughs violently

"oh my god what is that?"Thomas exclaims while still coughing
Newt laughs "I don't even know it's gallys special recipe its a trade secret"he looks back to gally who was fighting a boy in the ring Thomas also looks to gally
"Yeah well he is still an asshole"he says blankly

"You know he saved your life today,Trust me the maze is a very dangerous place to be in"Newt says with a serious expression on his face

"We're tapped here aren't we?"Thomas questions

"for the moment "newt pauses "but...." he turns around and points to some boys "you see those guys?there by the fire? those are the runners, that guy in the middle there,That's Minho he's the keeper of the runners and every morning they run into the maze mapping it , memorizing it, trying to find a way out of this place."Newt stops

"how long have they been looking?"Thomas looks to Newt

"Three years"Newt says softly

" and they haven't found anything?"

"Its a lot more complicated then you think"newt stops and listens to a clanking sound in the distance " hear that? its the maze.....changing, it changes every night"

"how is that even possible?"

"i don't know none of us do but you can ask the people who put us in here if you ever meet the bastards.Listen the truth is....the runners are the only ones who really know what's out there."

"They are the strongest and the fastest out of us all,its a good thing too because if they dont make it back before those doors shut then they are stuck out there for the night and no one has every survived a night in the maze"Newt stops talking

"What happens to them?"

"Well we call them Grievers of course no one has ever seen one and lived to tell about it....but they are out there"

"Anyway enough maze talk,come on you're supposed to be the guest of honor" Newts stands up and grabs Thomas' arm and pulls him of the ground

"let me show you around" Newt lets go of Thomas' arm and point to different people

"here we have the buliders ,they are very good with their hands but not a lot going on upstairs" Newt puts a finger on his head and laughs slightly " and then we have Winston,he's keeper of the slicers which is not a very pleasant job"

Two boys pass newt and Thomas

" here we have two med-jacks,Clint and Jeff"

"Sup Newt"

"yo Newt"they answer

"They spent most of their time bandaging up the slicers"The boys stop and they look to each other

"What if i want to become a runner?"Thomas questions

" Have you just listened to anything i said? No one wants to become a runner and besides you have to be chosen."

"Chosen by who?-"Thomas gets interrupted by a boy falling into him and pushing him on the floor


Chapter 4 done!

I want you - Maze runner,ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now