13.The other girl.

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After dinner Minho had asked me to follow him,we began to walk into the woods,I didn't know where we were going but I continued to follow him.

"Hey where we going?"I asked

"You'll see" Minho sighs as he continues walking in front of me,we walk up to a building made of a sticks and other things,Minho opens the wooden door as I walk in behind him,my eyes begin to wander looking at the wooden carvings and words and numbers on the wall,Minho pulls a sheet from off the table to reveal a small version of what looks like to be a maze,my eyes widen in shock.

"It's the maze, all of it" Minho puts his hands on the table

"What do you mean 'all of it' I thought you were still napping it?" I ask confused as I cross my arms

"There's nothing left to map" Minho let's put a breath as he speaks again.

"I've ran every inch of it myself,Every cycle,every pattern.If there is a way out we would of found it by now." Minho explains with a sad tone in his voice.

"Why haven't you told anyone about this?"i furrow my eyebrows with disbelief

"It was Alby's call,people needed to believe that we have a chance of getting out of this place but maybe we might have a chance"Minho hands me the device as he waves his hand as a 'coke here' signal

"Take a look at this,about a year ago we started exploring these outer sections, we found these numbers printed onto the walls section 1 through 8."
Minho pauses

"See,the way it works is every night when the maze changes it opens a new section,so today section six was open" he points at the number 6

" Then tomorrow it'll be 4,then eight ,then three the pattern always stays the same."i look down to the device as my finger grazes over the number

" what's so special about seven?"

"I don't know , but the other night when you killed that Griever,section seven was open,I think it must be where it comes from"Minho walks over to me

"Tomorrow me and you are gonna take a closer look."
I nod in agreement

Suddenly Jeff and Clint come running over to the door,both of them were out of breath

"Hey what are you guys doing? You're not allowed in here." Minho asks putting his hands on his hips

"Sorry it's just the um"Jeff stops as he quickly breath in

"It's the girl" Clint overtakes

"What she awake?" I ask the boy.

Jeff and Clint both exchanged looks before Jeff speaks
"You could say that"


As we start to emerge the woods I begin to hear loud commotion,the gladers were yelling and shouting at someone,I saw Chuck and Cara watching from a distance

"Hey Chuck,what's going on?"I wondered

"Girls are awesome!" Chuck laughed and pointed at the the group of boys.

"Shuck right we are!" Cara smiled and high fived Chuck
She began to lead the way while Chuck stayed back,as we got closer I could finally hear what they were saying.

"Leave me alone!" the girls voice echoed throughout the glade,her words filled with a mix of fear and defiance.

"Watch your heads!"

"Hey! If you through one more of those things OW!-" Gally got cut off as the girl threw a bowl on at his head.

"Go away!"she exclaimed, her voice laced with frustration and a hint of desperation.

As I tried to speak,trying to get the scared girl's attention.
My words were met with a barrage of objects hurled in my direction.I ducked out of instinct.

"I don't think she likes us very much." A thick British accent said as Newt hid under a box side.( I have no idea)

"What do you want from me?!" The girl asked

"We just wanna talk!" I finally let out my words.

" I'm warning you!" The girl yelled as she continued to throwing objects down at the boys beneath her.

"Take cover yall! Take cover" fry yelled as he put his hands on his head for protection.

"Hey hey! It's Thomas! It's Thomas!" I yelled,as she stopped throwing objects and the girl peaked down at the ground,no on said anything as I began to speak again.

" I'm gonna come up okay?" I said softly,my hands up in defence,as i begin to move up the ladder, the girl quickly goes out of my sight as she hides in fright

"I'm coming up okay?"

As i climb up the ladder i can still hear the voices beneath me.

"Is this what all girls are like?"frypan says sarcastically

"Oh you have no idea" Cara exclaims folding her arms and walking away from the crowd.

Y'all sorry this is so short
I had such bad writers block

Cya xx

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