03.The Rules.

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Alby leads me to a tall,stacked up building with ladders leading up to the top.

"I hope your not afraid of heights" he laughs with a wide smile as he climbs up the first ladder
He looks back down at me.

"Let's go,come on" he signs impatiently
I hesitantly climb the ladder until we arrive at the top of the building.

" This is all we got. We've worked hard for it.
If you respect this place...you and I will get along just fine." He turns to me tilting his head sideways
I look at him for a quick second until I turn my head back to the opening of the massive doors which have ivy hugging the walls
"What's out there?" I question
He looks to the wall and back to me

" Look we only have three rules.First, do your part.No time for any freeloaders" he pauses "Second,never harm another Glader.None of this works unless we have trust.Most importantly...never go beyond those walls.
Do you understand me, Greenie?"

I look to him,his serious face makes me realise that out there is definitely a place you don't wanna be in.
We stand in silence until that silence is broken by a squeaky voice
"Hey Alby!" A boy shouts
We both look down to see a small chubby boy with frizzy curly brown hair and blue eyes his face was round,he wore a cream top with an browny top over it with cream pants and dirty shoes.

"Hey chuck! Where you been man?"Alby shouts down at young boy beneath them.

Alby climbs down and whispers in the young boys ear and walks away
"Looks like your stuck with me now"the boy says grinning "come on let's go make your hammock" he leads me to a double story wooden building
"Here you can sleep next to me" he says
I lean against a pole and look back to the opening on the wall
"It's basically the same story for all of us. We wake up in the Box,Alby gives us the tour...then here we are." I start to walk to the opening ignoring the boy behind me
Chuck runs to me as I walk closer to the doors 

"Dude where are you going?"he says

"I just wanna see"

"Alright you can look but you better not go in there"

"Well why not? What's through there?" I question waiting for an answer

"I don't know,I just know I'm not supposed to go in there and that you shouldn't too"

Suddenly two boys appear out from the walls,a Asian boy with black hair and a boy with long but short blonde hair looks to me as they run past us.

"Hey chuck,new greenie huh? How does it feel to be promoted?"the boy with blonde messy hair comments.

"Feels great Ben" he says with a smile across his face.

"What? I thought no one was allowed to leave"

"No I said we are not allowed to leave,They're different they are runners"


He continues "they know more about the maze then anyone"

"Wait what?"


"What? You just said maze?"

"Uh I did?" He looks up at me confusion written along his face,i nod "ye"
I look back to the walls and walk closer to them again

"Hey what are you doing?"

" I'm just gonna take a look" I walk closer

"You can't,I just said that, especially not now,it's not safe at this time"

"Okay I won't go"I look down at the boy,reassuring him

I walk to the doors a look at the walls that leads out into the maze? Ivy hangs along the walls,rocks scattered on the floor,I take a step closer

"HEY!" A voice shouts out,I turn to the side and realise it was the boy from the box,he take a step closer and shoves me down onto the dirty floor
He towers over me
"We gotta stop meeting like this greenie" he says down to me

"Get off me!" I jump up from the floor and push him away

"Calm calm calm" he says with his arms out in front of him
"Don't touch me!!" I yell out to him
Boys start to crowd round us looking at the source of the shouts

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?"my breaths quicken again

Newt runs over"just calm down alright?"he tries to calm me down

"Why won't you let me leave?" I shout out at the crowd

"We're just trying to protect you. It's for your own good." Alby says
I shake my head rapidly
"You guys can't keep me here"

"I can't let you leave."

"Why not" a loud noice cuts me off from the conversation as I turn to face the doors,they start to close in until finally they close and the noise stops

"Next time,I'm gonna let you leave" the boy says to me and walks away

The crowds disappears

Alby turns to me
"Welcome to the glade"he finally says and turns to walk away

What the hell is this place?

Chapter 3 done
yay it's the bonfire next!!! We finally get to talk with newtie patootie! Please correct me if I did any mistakes
See you in the next chapter!
Please vote as well thanks xx

I want you - Maze runner,ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now