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After officially becoming a glader i was sent to Newt to try out being a Track-hoe

"has anyone ever tried climbing to the top?"i asked the blonde haired boy across from me

"Tried it,The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top,besides where you gonna from there?"Newt replied keeping his eyes on the plants infront of him

"okay well what about the box?,you know next time it comes up-"

"tried it....the box wont go down with someone in it"

"uh okay well-"

"No we tried okay? twice. All right? Anything you can think of, we've tried."Newt pauses "The only way out is through the maze"

i pause and look down

"look... you wanna be helpful? Here" newt throws a basket over to me,i catch it and look to newt with a confused expression

"Go dig us up more fertilizer"



Thomas wonders around the woods,getting further and further away from the light of the glade.

"just get the fertilizer,Thomas"

"Are you sure, guys? I can't help in anyway?"

"No, just get the fertilizer. It's just out in the woods."

As Thomas walked,he tripped over and look up to see some sort of grave,he looked at a word which was carved onto some wood. It was a name. George

A twig snapped behind him,causing him to look back to see a boy stand there, a boy who he didn't quite know but knew it was the boy from the maze

As Thomas took a look closer,he realized the boy wasn't quite right.His bloodshot eyes,His skin pale like snow,His veins pulsing.

"uh,Ben right? i don't think we ever-...hey you alright?"Ben snarled and lunged towards Thomas,tackling him down to the ground

"It's your fault! you did this!, How could you " Ben wrapped his hands tightly around thomas' neck

Thomas manged to grab a hold something, hitting Ben across his head, knocking him down

Thomas ran away from the boy,Ben ran behind him

"HEY! HELP ME!" Thomas yelled out trying to attract the gladers attention

Ben grabs a hold of thomas' waist and pulls him down,they both roll down a hill

"HEY! HELP!" Thomas tried again,Fortunately for Thomas a couple gladers could hear him including Newt

Thomas ran out from the woods catching some looks from the gladers,Ben runs after Thomas,knocking hims down once again

Newt runs to them" HEY !" Ben looks up as a shovel hits him in the head throwing him of Thomas

The gladers crowd round the boys as some boys hold down ben arms and legs, Alby walks up to them locking his eyes with Bens

"What happened?"Alby questions Thomas

"he just attacked me " he says out of breath

"Lift his shirt "demands alby

"NO. no no no"

Gally pulls up his shirt to reveal a sting mark.It was black and grey

"He's been stung in the middle of the day?"gally asks confused

Ben cries out,begs ,screams

"Put him in the pit"Alby orders the boys .Ben trys to wiggly his way out.

"NO ITS HIS FAULT"Ben screams trying to attract the gladers but no one listens due to them knowing Ben is not Ben no more


Chapter 6!!!!!!

I want you - Maze runner,ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now