09.The box.

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It was morning,that meant the doors would open soon,some of the gladers had slept next to the doors waiting,hoping that the boys in the maze survived the night.

The maze doors let out a loud screech and begin to open.

"Guys,get up!" Chuck shouts out to the gladers,looking deep into the maze entrance,newt walks up,little hope in him,he looks to the doors and sighs looking down

"Told ya Chuck,they're not coming back." Newt starts to walk away after the gladers followed,Zart turns around,expecting nothing but this time three boys came into sight,walking round the maze walls,Thomas and Minho had Alby in the middle of them,wrapping theirs arms around him holding him up.

"No way!"Zart said loudly in shock that they survived,this caught the attention of the gladers who had turned away from the doors,a few boys ran up to them also in shock that their survived a night.

"Yeah!"Chuck laughs loudly happy that they were here and not eaten by grieves (lol ben be like 💀😑)

"I got him, I got him,I got him" Clint and Jeff took Alby from the sweaty boys and lay him down on the ground and begin to look for any injuries

"What happened out there?"

"How did you guys make it out?"gladers questioned the boys

"You saw a griever?"Chuck curiously questioned

Thomas and Minho looked up to the young chubby boy 

"Yeah,I saw one"Thomas answered for him

"He didn't just see it"Minho paused letting out a quick breath "he killed it."


A gathering was held inside a large room in the Homestead.All the leaders except Alby and keepers sat or stood,waiting for the meeting to begin

"Things are changing"Gally started standing up with his arms crossed "There's no denying that , first Ben gets stung in broad daylight then Alby and now our greenie,here has taken it upon himself..to go into the maze,which is a clear violation of our rules here"gally points to Thomas as he talks to the gladers.

"Yeah,but he did save Alby life" frypan interrupts gallys speech

"Did he?" Some gladers groaned as gally continued

"For 3 years, we have coexisted with these things.And now, you've killed one of them" gally points yet again at Thomas "Who knows what that could mean for us."Gally leans against a pile in the middle of the room

"What do you suggest we do?" Newt spoke out to gally

"He has to be punished"gally sighed,the gladers bursted out whispering and bickering to each other

Newt shushed the gladers "Minho , you were there with him,what do you think?"Newt turned to Minho who was stood close to Thomas,not saying anything

Minho lifted his head as he spoke "I think... in all the time we've been here... no one has ever killed a Griever before."he paused to look to Thomas
"When I turned tail and ran,
This dumb shank stayed behind to help Alby,look I don't know if he's brave or stupid... whatever it is we need more of it..I say we make him a runner"

The gladers yet again burst out into shouts,Thomas lifted his head at the thought of being a runner

" Thomas!,Thomas!,Thomas..." Chuck began to chant but realised no one else was so he stopped (poor chuckie)

"If you want to throw the newbie a parade, that's fine. Go ahead.But if there is one thing I know about the maze... it is that you do not-"

A loud piercing sound interrupts gallys words,newt and gally share a glance before they both run out to see what was happening followed by all the gladers

"Wait wait I know that sound"thomas stood next to Minho and Chuck,all of the looking at the box

"The box,it's coming back up"Chuck replied nervously

"It shouldn't be"Minho ran ahead of the two boys

All the gladers stood round the square box waiting for it to come up,newt and gally look to each other before bending down to lift up the roof,newt jumps down into the cage,a shocked expression lays on his face

"Newt what is it? What do you see?"a glader questions newt

"Two greenies,both.....girls"

Inside the box laid two black haired girls both of them were unconscious.

"What's that in that girls hand?"

Newt bends down and reaches out a hand to a letter which was scrunched in a girls hand

"They are the last ones .....ever"newt looks up with a confused face

"What the hell does that mean-" a gasp interrupts newt,one of the girls had come out of her sleep,she frantically looks at the boys above her with wide blue eyes,her eyes landing on Thomas

"Thomas!" She shoutes,but soon her sleep takes over and she closes her eyes once again.

"You still think I'm over reacting-"yet again another gasp interrupts gallys words,the other girl had woken up,her eyes scanned the crowd upon her,she looks at the blonde haired boy next to her and then to the unconscious girl

"Who the hell are you?"the girl questions with a blank expression,she wasn't scared..




Hope ya enjoyed x

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