16.A way out?

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( i would recommend listening to 'someone to stay' by Vancouver Sleep Clinic for the Cara and Thomas scene.)


"Cara? Cara! Car!"a voice shouted,the nickname slipping out.

Cara opened her eyes with a gasp for air as she cried out,Thomas sat in-front of her shaking her shoulders with furrowed brows,his mouth slightly open in confusion and fright. She opened her mouth to speak but all that came out were her uncontrolled gut-wrenching sobs.

Thomas didn't say anything and instead sat beside her,wrapping his arms around her offering silent comfort and reassuring presence. Cara leaned her head into his chest,her tears wetting his shirt but Thomas didn't care about that right now,all he cared for in that moment was Cara and holding her close.

After a few moments,the sound of sobs had began to slow down,all that was left was the sounds of hiccups escaping from Cara's mouth,she brought her hand up to wipe away her tears from her cheeks.

Cara took her head off of Thomas's chest,she put her head in her hands and brushed her hair out of her face while letting out a quick breath,a sad expression spread across her tear stained face. Thomas gazed at the girl, Her face puffy, with red and swollen eyes.

Thomas cleared his throat,resting his chin on his hands
"Do- do you wanna talk about it?"he asked with a calm, reassuring tone.

Cara hesitated,thinking of a way to tell a person she only just met a few days ago that they were in love,before all .. this happened. She didn't wanna tell him the full truth, not yet , too much has happened over the last few days, she didn't want to feel selfish even though she already did for not telling Thomas the full truth.

"It wasn't that much, just a memory" Cara explains feeling a weight of pressure on her shoulders , she desperately wanted to tell Thomas, tell him of who they used to be, how they acted towards each other, the action they used to do,that told each other they loved them.

How they were in love.

The memory was starting to fade now,the more she tried to grab onto it,the more it fell into the abyss , falling further and further away, by now cara could hardly recall the memory,it was like someone wanted her to remember the memory but then take it away like a child with a lollipop.

Just Cara knowing that Thomas and her were something before the maze made her heart flutter,she didn't know if they could ever be like that again.

Cara moved her eyes,to look into Thomas' eyes whose stared right back at her. A smile appeared on his face for comfort and warmth because deep down Thomas knew the feeling of seeing a memory of his old life,his past that he can not remember.

Cara liked Thomas,too much she'd like to admit,she didn't wanna ruin the friendship when it had only just started but just staring into his eyes made her heart race, flutter with excitement, and a sense of warmth enveloped her, as if she had found where she truly belonged.

Her person.

Her home.

Even if they had only met a few days ago , for the second time.

The connection between the pair undeniable , at the first look, it was as if they both had a magnet on them and it was pulling them together.

Cara knew underneath her heart. that he was out of reach, yet her heart couldn't help but yearn for him. Every time he smiled, her world lit up.

Thomas reached out his arm and wrapped it around Cara's shoulder,hugging her,protecting her from the coldness of the night , the girl nestled her head into the boy's chest, finding solace in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. And in that moment, the world faded away, and she felt safe and loved, the girl had began to drift to sleep knowing that she was safe in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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