11.Griever pancake.

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Tw-one small rude word and long chapter xxx


Thomas quickly rushes out of the building attempting to go back into the maze

"Hey Thomas!" A voice is heard from behind him

Minho rushes over to him and pulls his shoulder back his confused expression covers his face.

"What's with you? Huh? A death wish?" Minho folds his arms his veins pop out,showing off his strength and muscles (😍)

"Newt said no one has ever lived against a Griever and lived to tell about it? Right?"Minho nods,his eyes slowly look down then back up at Thomas

"Well now we have one" Thomas points with his arm to the maze "And you're telling me you're not even a little bit curious?"

"No not really." Minho looks at Thomas his eyes slightly closed from exhaustion

Thomas sighed and began walking away until Minho held his shoulder back with the back of his hand,he looks around to see if anyone is listening.

Minho sucks out a quick breath before speaking "so what's the plan?,you just gonna back in and dissect it all by yourself?

" I will if I have to"

"Have the runners left yet?"Thomas questions as per usual

"Nope! Cause they quit the shanks,After Alby got stung,they don't want to go back in,why do you?" Minho says in a sarcastic but serious tone

"I think it's time we finally find out what we're really up against"Thomas nods

Minho stays quiet for second thinking out a plan
"All right,but you're not going in alone,meet in the woods in half an hour okay?"Thomas nods quickly

Little did they know a girl called Cara was secretly eavesdropping on their conversations........


Cara's POV

These boys really think Imma stay in the glade ha ha ha

As the small group of boys head into the maze,I quickly look to see if anyone watching

Stupid boys.

Hundreds of concrete walls about 100 feet high surround me with Ivy hanging down them,I run after the boys quickly but quietly so they wouldn't notice

As the boys turn the corner they all skid to a stop,their backs turned to me blocking my sight from what's in front of them

"That's disgusting" a boy will blonde short hair says,disgust written all over his face

One of the boys,with black neat but spiky hair begins to move forward,I finally see what they were all looking.

A squashed monster half machine was in between two walls it's guts hung out and it's oil was spilling out,.....Ew.


Gasps and shrieks spill out of the boys mouths as they all turn around at me

The spiky haired dude finally stops awing at me and begins to yell at me

"What are you doing here! It's dangerous and you're not a runner!"

"Ehhhh last time I checked half of these people are not either and I was bored."

"We'll go hang out with the girl! Then you won't be bored"

"Ohhhhh yeah hanging out with a "dead" girl is soooo fun,yeah imma go do that.."a bored expression lays on my face as I look at the boys

A small smirk is planted on Thomas' face but when he notices me glaring at him,he immediately stops and clears his throat,embarrassed that I had caught him a side smile quickly disappears of my face as I straighten up.

The other boys voice interrupts my thoughts
"Ugh,it doesn't matter,the more the merrier for the Grievers to eat." The boy turns back to the ugly slug/spider thingy

He leans closer looking inside of the open stomach,Minho squints his eye as he looks closer then goes back

"There's something in there" Thomas says quietly

A tall black boy wearing a white top and apron with spots for his knifes jokes "you mean besides a Griever pancake"

A small snicker leaves my mouth as I look at him

I can definitely trust him.

Yet the black haired boy looks unimpressed by the sarcastic joke,he looks back and a blows out a quick breath before sticking his arm into the squashed guts of the beast

"WOAH,what are you doing!?" A short haired blonde boy says

Ignoring the boy,Minho sticks his hand in further when the body of the creature suddenly jerks

Yells are heard from the boys mouths as they jump back out of fear,a chuckle leaves my mouth as I begin to make a sarcastic joke yet again

" seriously you guys need to chill it's squished between two walls, pussies"

" I thought you said it was dead" a boy utters

"Was it a reflex?"

" you hope"the acne covered boy exclaims

"Okay"Thomas begins saying "let's try pull it out" he picks up the leg as I go in front of Thomas and the other boys go behind Thomas

" okay ready on three, one two three" we all begin to pull,deep breaths leave my mouth as I pull harder

After some time pulling, the leg finally comes loss and pulls out,we all fall to the ground

I don't even realise I'm on Thomas' lap until his hands slither around my waist so I don't fall, thank god he didn't see me go red as I quickly stumble of his lap muttering a quick sorry.

"It's fine,you okay?" He asks concerned

" yeah fine" my back is turned as I can still feel my face heated from the embarrassment

A quiet beeping is heard as Minho steps forward and bends down to grab the odd object,he pulls the bit of gut of then examine its,it was a metal container with the number 7 on it

" interesting"

"Ok what ever that thing is can we take it back to the glade,cause I don't want to meet this guys friends" the boy wearing the apron suggests

Minho nods "he's right,it is getting late,come on."

We head back to the glade.


Y'all I couldn't be bothered to check over this soo if I did something wrong ignore it pls and thanks,alsooooo sorry this took so long I had writers block 😭 it's the worst

ANYWAY we finally have some tension between Thomas and Cara and Thomas' lap 🤗🤗😚 xxx

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