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Layton Brooks. Four Years Later

My feet dug into the sand as I stood on the beach, just to clear my head. I come here when my mind gets cloudy and things from the past start to pop up. Mainly things that I've lost. A lot of the decisions I've made, I deeply regret but there's nothing that I can do about it.

"Mommy." I turned and looked at my daughter, who was laying on a towel, playing in the sand.

" I turned and looked at my daughter, who was laying on a towel, playing in the sand

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"Come help me build a sandcastle!" She yelled. Royalty Hayes. The love of my life and also the reason that I haven't given up. I walked over to her and sat down next to what she thinks is a sandcastle.

"Roro, we need to start over. This is not a sandcastle." I laughed.

"Mommy don't laugh." She crossed her arms and pouted, looking exactly like her dad.

"Okay. I'm sorry, it is a sandcastle."

"We need more water. I'll be back mommy." For her to only be almost four, she spoke so fluently. Her attitude was a mixture of mine and Dominic's. She has both of our tempers too. She recently started punching pillows when she gets upset but I stopped that. The first time she did it I had to sit there for a minute and realize what the hell just happened.

She's spoiled but that was expected. I have nothing better to do with my time so I just spend money on her. We were currently living in Miami. Just me, Royalty, and Rick living it up in Florida. I don't have to run and hide anymore so we're good.

Michael runs our 'family business' while I still manage our legal businesses. He doesn't want me getting caught up in anything now that I have my princess. I'm working on a second location for my restaurant. Food is my passion and I think it's starting to rub off on Royalty. I always catch her having cooking shows in her room. I love it. After attempting to build a proper sand castle the sun started to settle and I was starving.

"Okay Roro, time to get packed up. Mommy has to go start dinner."

"Can I help?"

"Of course you can. Come on, Uncle Rick is waiting for us." We cleaned up her toys and I put away our towels then we headed to the truck.

"Rick!" Royalty ran over to him. They're so close, sometimes it's like I'm raising two kids.

"Wassup Uncle's favorite girl." He picked her up.

"Did you have fun?"

"We made a sandcastle but it fell apart." While they talked I put everything in the trunk. I started feeling like somebody was staring at me. I quickly glanced around but nobody was there.

"You good Lay?" Rick asked.

"Yeah. I'm good."

"Alright let's get out of here." I climbed in the back seat of the truck with Royalty. I started brushing sand out of her hair while she opened my camera to take selfies. She looked so much like her dad. I kissed her cheek over and over as she laughed. When we got home we both got cleaned up and then headed to the kitchen.

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