it felt like love

14 2 16

Somewhere between your lines of delicately crafted poetry, was emptiness.

You wrote "I love you" but then paused. 

As if unsure if it were true or not.

The space between your lines was so little, yet felt so big.

That space said more than the words did.

Because we didn't really love each other did we?

We loved that their was someone out their that felt just as alone as we did.

And for a second. 

It felt like love.

But love isn't screaming at each other because you just didn't understand it.

Love isn't crying over the spilled wine stain that was just an accident.

Love wasn't holding each other as tight as we could because we somehow knew our time together was short.

I carry the crumpled piece of poetry in my pocket still.

Because even if we weren't meant to be.

The words were.


Word count- 135

Published- December 14, 2023

Errr does this one sound ok or is it bad :D and does it make sense or just sound stupid LOL

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