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I love you.

I wasn't quite sure when I truly understood what love meant.

I didn't know when she turned from just being a girl to being my girl.

I would wish to paint every inch of her just to prove to her she was an impossibly perfect piece of art.

I wished I could just bottle up the sound of her laugh to get drunk off of.

I didn't know when knew her, became knowing her.

Was it when I knew that her favorite flower meant affection and admiration because she craved it?

Was it when I knew that she would step in every puddle every time it rained because it reminded her of the red boots she used to wear when she was younger?

I couldn't quite tell you when I knew I loved her.

Was it when I realized she was the sun and I was merely a plant that needed her to survive?

Or was it as simple as looking at her whenever her eyes would sparkle when I wrapped locks of her muddy brown on my fingers just to assure myself she was real?

I couldn't quite tell you when I knew, but I could tell you that I loved her now.


Word count- 196

Published- December 28, 2023

one of my fav pieces rn. I have like 12 drafts too tho lol

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