ode to your soul

9 1 4

Bits of gold swirl in your eyes,

They glisten like the reflection of a candle in the pooling wax below,

I may be just the melted wax,

Pooling below as I can not stand straight anymore,

my sole purpose to worship you.

You're alluring though my dear.

I love your soul,

It pairs with mine like two shadows hiding from the sun.

We laugh in secret,

Yours rings like bells,

Mine doesn't at all.

We compliment each other well don't we?

The oxygen to my starved lungs,

The blood to my empty body,

and the strength to my brittle bones.

I write this to you my love,

an ode to your soul,

and an obituary to mine.


Word count-100

Published on January 7, 2024


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