the dying heart of a writer

13 3 7

I sit alone at my desk alone, paper in front of me with a pencil in my hand.

I create worlds where fire can fall in love with water without being smothered just because it burns brighter than some do.

Friends who hug each other like the cages of ribs surrounding a bursting heart. 

I create stories of girls who travel far and wide, living the dreams that I hope one day aren't just words on a paper for me. 

I create fantasies of characters who find family in the most unlikely places because I too crave to find a family in the pencils that's gray lines mean more than just a streak against a blizzard, 

the erasers I use to erase nightmares that plague the awake, 

and the typewriter that's clicking keys sound of laughter and shrieks of joy. 

If only it was that easy. 

I hope the unlikely place I find family in my story is in the little desk in the corner of my room where the corner really is my whole world. 

Maybe in the shadows there's friends smiling at me with hands outstretched until the sun rises the next day washing them away. 

maybe one day I won't be just a writer, I'll be someone written about.

And maybe one day my star will become a sun.


Word count- 219

Published- April 12, 2024

I'm about to freak I was going to do some writing and my computer was at half battery and then two seconds later its at 2%. I'm suing someone tonight.

also this is unedited cuz said computer is dying as type this.

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