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Jason is your average guy from the neighborhood. He helps others whenever possible; he enjoys talking; he enjoys dreaming and daydreaming; he enjoys giving advice; and he loves everyone who loves him. Sadly, he is going through a heartbreak, his grades ain't looking too good, and he lost a family member.
Things are looking so bad for him. But his friends, Barry and Jerry, are there to cheer him up. They talk about Jason, and they say they're condolences and they make him happy by playing their favorite online games. Although it makes Jason happy, something is still broken inside him, but he's still glad that they helped him through his worst days.

A few days have passed since, Jason went to university again. He meets his friends again, and the day continues like every other day. He makes sure things are going to get better now for his grades. When the semester is over, his grades does get better. But something is off, he is not happy. He still feels that something is broken, and he feels like he doesn't feel anything. Sure, his friend and family noticed that too. Whenever something happy is happening, Jason is just there, but they never know if he's happy or not. They don't want to disturb Jason because they think he's still healing and at peace, but they still love him and want to help him whenever they can.

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