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Sure of his feelings, Jason patiently awaits the right time to express them to Kylee. He prepared a white tulip necklace, symbolizing his honest and sincere feelings for her, ready for a moment like the ones they shared at Regina's house. Things might be looking promising for Jason, but an unexpected and unfortunate event occurs, introducing an unforeseen challenge into his journey. Now in the second semester, everyone is busy and focused to their academic pursuits. One time, Jerry called Jason to hang out with him and Barry, but Jason refused because of the numerous academic works he needed to finish. Out of character, Jerry hangs up the phone, leaving Jason confused. When Jason later encounters Barry and Jerry at the university, Jerry intentionally ignores him and left upon noticing Jason. Confused, Jason asks Barry, "Why is Jerry ignoring me?" However, Barry is unaware of the situation too. In the midst of everything, Kylee sees Jason. However, just as swiftly as the smile appears, Kylee quietly drifts away, leaving Jason with an unexplained sense of distance. The air seems to carry subtle shifts, and Jason finds himself reflecting on the complexity of their connection. Jason feels like something is broken again but can't grasp the source of it. A question haunts his thoughts. Is there something flaw within himself? Why does one of the individuals he holds dearest appear distant, their actions seemingly devoid of reciprocated affection? Jason grapples with the complexities of love, as its intricate melody unfolds with a disharmonious note, leaving him in a poignant struggle to understand why a strong connection seems to slip away.

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