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A few months later, after that semester, it's his friend Julia's birthday, and she invites everyone.
Everyone is enjoying themselves and peacefully indulging in food. Barry, Jerry, Michelle, Clara, Kylee, and Jason are seated together at the same table. They talk for a while, with Jason remaining silent. Kylee silently engages Jason in conversation, inquiring about how he's doing. Jason responded with a simple "I'm alright." While Kylee, unsatisfied with his answer, simply said, "Alright, but whenever you need someone to talk to, I'm here." After the party, Kylee chats with Jason about something school-related, and the topic changes, leading them to chat for hours. Jason experiences a feeling he couldn't believe he was feeling again, yet he thoroughly enjoys the conversation he had with Kylee.
Jason remains awake after their conversation, and thinking about Kylee. The conversation lingered in his thoughts throughout the night, and he realizes that they share similarities.

Jason happily goes to school and sits in the same chair as Kylee. Their other friends are shocked because they haven't seen Jason so happy in a long time after the tragedies that happened to him. Since there are no classes, they just talk for a long time, and Jason feels that same feeling again. As the bell rings at the empty halls, Jason hesitated, not quite ready to say goodbye to Kylee. There was a lingering sweetness in the air, an unspoken desire for their time together to extend just a bit more.
As Jason waved goodbye to Kylee, there was a grin on his face, knowing they'd catch up tomorrow. But deep down, he's counting the seconds until he can be with her once more.
Jason has arrived at his dorm, and he calls his parents, yet they find it hard to believe that he has found happiness once more. They chat about what he's up to in school and how he's doing overall, just catching on his academic stuff and life in general. Suddenly, his father talks about the reason behind his renewed happiness. While glad, he wants to know the reason. Jason said, with a smile, "Somebody save me." A deeper sentiment that yearns for understanding and support.

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