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A week later, their professor assigned them the task of creating a short film. One of the assigned groups includes Jason, Barry, Michelle, Regina, and Kylee. They pick Regina's house to film the scenes. On the way to Regina's house, they discuss the scene they're about to film. Barry and Michelle became the main characters in the story. Jason and Kylee takes the roles of directors, while Regina takes on the responsibility of capturing the scenes. After the long period of directing, acting, capturing scenes, and multiple takes, they take a moment to rest. While the rest of the group rests inside the house, Jason goes outside the house. He immerses himself in profound contemplation, seeking solace and clarity in the silent conversation between his thoughts and the stars above the sky. While the rest are feasting, Kylee can't locate where Jason is. As the rest enjoy the feast, a hint of concern shades Kylee's expression. So, she steps outside to search for him and discovers him perched in the side of the tree. Kylee offers Jason bread and water, graciously extending the invitation for him to share in a modest meal. Jason politely declines, expressing gratitude, and informs Kylee that he already ate before arriving. Sweetly, Kylee insists that she won't eat unless Jason joins her. With a smile, Jason replies, "It's alright, Kylee. I'm already full." In his thoughts, the simple sight of Kylee enjoying her meal fills him with a sense of contentment. Kylee, with a laugh, asks Jason what he's doing outside. He replies, "I'm capturing the stars above the sky." So Jason shows Kylee the pictures he took, and she is amazed by their beauty. With a smile and a shared gaze, they look into each other's eyes for an extended period, silently exchanging unspoken sentiments. With a smile, Kylee looks away and hands Jason the water. She says, "I'll be back, but if you need anything, just call me. I'm here." In those simple moments, Jason experiences one of the happiest days. He's grateful for meeting Kylee and wishes for everyday to be as wonderful as this. Jason remains silent about what he's doing outside, yet in his mind, he daydreams about the potential of their relationship if he were to express his true feelings. After Kylee offers him food and water, a realization clicks in Jason's mind, envisioning a future of happiness and a family with her. With a smile, he returns inside the house, ready to resume the film with a warmth in his heart.

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