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Jason wakes up, facing the blank white ceiling. Unable to speak, he finds himself in a hospital. The memories of what happened flood back to him. He sees Kylee by his side, sleeping on his side and holding his hand. He thinks it might have been Kylee's voice he heard before he passed out. Realization hits him, he might be just dreaming about the family he had with Kylee. A single tear falls from his eyes. Kylee wakes up and sees Jason awake. She rushes towards the door, calling for doctors, Jason's parents, and Barry. As they arrive in Jason's room, the doctor tells them to wait, and they will provide information about his condition after they check him. They're all worried about Jason. But his dad, unable to contain his emotions, addresses Jason with an aggressive tone, questioning why he chose to conceal the reality of his cancer. A heavy silence hangs in the air, punctuated by the weight of unspoken words. The doctors break the silence, assuring them that it's now okay to see Jason. A heavy atmosphere welcomes them as they go to see Jason. His dad, with sadness in his voice, asks his son, "Why would you keep this from us? We are here for you. You shouldn't keep things like this from us, especially this." Jason, with a smile and a weak voice, responds, "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't want you to worry." Tears flows from everybody in the room. Dad warmly but carefully hugs Jason. Jason, sensing his time is running out, decides to make a statement. In that moment, Jason expresses his gratitude for having the best family he could ever ask for. Despite the inevitable, he emphasizes that his presence will remain in their hearts. Grateful for the person he became, he acknowledges everybody's role in shaping him and their acceptance despite his imperfections. He tells Barry, "Thank you for being with me. Even though I'm not the perfect best friend, I'm glad that I got one." With tears, Barry tells Jason, "You're the best friend I've ever had. Don't down yourself. I love you, man." In this emotional moment, their friendship goes beyond imperfections, highlighting how much Jason has impact on Barry's life. Next, he tells his parents how much he loves them and thanking God for granting him such supportive and caring parents and role model in his life. In this heartfelt moment, his mom gently kisses his cheek, saying, "I love you, my son. Your dad and I are so lucky to have you and your siblings. We couldn't ask for more." A deep parental love fills the room, forming a heartfelt scene that captures a lifetime of shared joy and gratitude.
And lastly, he tells Kylee how lucky he is to have met her. He acknowledges her understanding, the comfort she provided, and how she saves him. He also expresses his happiness that she is with Naomi. Jason refrains from sharing the dream of the perfect family he experienced with Kylee. Instead, he trusts Barry with a task, telling him to search his cabinet and retrieve a specific item from his dorm. Telling him to give it to that person. As he concludes his heartfelt words, tears flows in down his eyes, mirroring the rhythm of the fading heartbeat monitor. In the end, the dream he had before and now. The most perfect dream a person could ever ask for, remains untold.

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