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Barry, confused by the events and genuinely worried about Jason's mental health, decides to approach Jerry to know about the reasons behind Jerry's avoidance of Jason. During their long conversation, Jerry said, "Jason seems to have distanced himself. He doesn't want to hangout with us anymore. He often alone, and oddly, he appears to be closer to Kylee than to the rest of us." Barry responds to Jerry, saying, "Hey, we should be happy for him. Isn't this a good thing? If he's found happiness, even if it's with someone else like Kylee, that's what matters. It's not that he doesn't want to hang out with us. It's just that he's swamped with academic work. Let's give him some space and let him catch up with everything." Jerry responds to Barry with a touch of pride, saying, "I don't know, man. I just wish he wasn't like that." Barry, with a hint of anger, said, "Like what? You don't want him to be happy, man?" In the end, they both finish the coffee they were drinking. Barry leaves with a lingering sense of anger, while Jerry left with a subtle but pride. Barry visits Jason in his dorm, telling him the reason behind Jerry's distance. With a single tear in his eye, Jason tells that he never intended to ignore them. Barry reassures him, expressing understanding, but tells that Jerry's ego might be struggling to comprehend the current of the situation. Barry tells Jason that he'll be leaving now and reassures him that whenever he needs someone to talk to, he can just give him a call. After Barry left, Jason grapples with a renewed sense of brokenness, a heavy emotional weight settling over him. He seeks solace in the embrace of his dark and lonely room, where shadows echo the complexities of his emotions, creating a profound solitude that envelops him as he rests.


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