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At Jason's funeral, everyone who knew him was there, his classmates, friends, relatives, and even Jerry, despite their past issues. Their presence silently speaks to the meaningful connections Jason created, showing the impact he had on everyone around him. Barry witnessed Jerry's arrival, a surge of anger propelling him forward. He angrily approached him, driven by emotions, and gave him a punch. Barry angrily said, "How dare you come here? Only now, that he is gone, do you understand it all?" In the quiet recognition of regret, Jerry's voice with sincerity, "I'm truly sorry. Pride consumed me. I loved him, man, just like I loved our friendship. But now I realize that my ego was the reason. I'm truly sorry that I didn't appreciate him before it was too late." A painful realization echoing through the void of lost opportunities. Barry, understand it but still a bit annoyed, said, "Well, tell that to his parents. Respect him." Following, they go to Jason's parents. Jerry tells the unraveling of his friendship with Jason, expressing genuine remorse and regret. Jason's parents, in understanding tones, tells that this experience should serve as a lasting lesson, fostering a deeper comprehension of others for Jerry.

A few weeks have passed since Jason's death. Barry calls Kylee to meet him at the park. There is something important that he needs to tell him. Kylee arrives at the park and sees Barry, sitting at the space where Jason and she once shared moments. A calm tone wraps around her as she remembers the days her and Jason are together. Barry tells Kylee to sit and says, "Do you remember when Jason asked me to find an item in his dorm? I found it, and he told me to give it to 'that' person. Well, I think it's you, Kylee." Hesitating to tell Jason's feelings, he smiles and said, "You meant a lot to Jason," while handing the tiny box to her. After that, Barry leaves, leaving Kylee alone on the bench that filled with moments between her and Jason. She embraces the chilly breeze, remembering the memories of their shared presence. As Kylee opens the box, her eyes see a necklace with a white tulip pendant. In the delicate balance of a smile, tears stream down her face, a reflection on the cherished moments shared and the poignant regret of not acknowledging the time he had left with her. As she wore the necklace, a forceful wind orchestrates a cascade of falling leaves. She notices that the leaves shaping the letter "S". With a heart full of joy, she smiles and looks upward into the sky. Saying the words, "I love you." In the end, they both haven't expressed their feelings towards each other, unspoken yet she probably understood. Perhaps untold on the surface, but acknowledged in the destination of their hearts.

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