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Jason goes to the hospital to check on his cancer. The doctor informs him that it might not be curable at this point and shares the news that he has only months to live from now on. Jason walks out of the clinic and heads home. Jason walks up, grabs a coffee, and looks out the windows. Outside, two birds fly in the open sky, without a worry in the world. A realization clicks upon him. Instead of embracing loneliness, he will cherish the remaining days he has with his loved ones, savoring every precious moment. During the sem-break, he hangs out with Barry. They get really drunk but have a great time, enjoying each other's company and doing funny things together. Days pass, and Jason walks in the park again, enjoying the cool breeze and the quiet embrace of nature, finding a simple yet peace in the simplicity of the moment. In a twist of fate, much like before, he encounters Kylee. Despite his joy at seeing her, he notices her hand entwined with someone else's, casting a shadow on the moment. Kylee approaches Jason with joy, asking him how he is. Jason, masking his feelings with a fake smile, replies, "Good, how about you?" Kylee responds, "That's nice. Well, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Naomi." Jason's joyful day shatters as Kylee said those words about her new relationship. He's left speechless, his mind went blank, grappling with emotions he can't express. With a smile, Naomi says to Jason, "Nice to meet you. Kylee spoke highly of you. I hope we can be friends someday." Despite his heartbreak, Jason accepts the kindness shown. He replies to Naomi, "Nice to meet you too. Thank you for the kind words. I hope to share good experiences with you too." Kylee responds to Jason, "We'd love to chat, Jason, but Naomi and I need to attend this meeting. Let's plan to hang out someday, maybe call Barry too. Bye, Jason, see you soon." As Kylee bids farewell, he hugs Jason, and Naomi kisses Jason on the cheek, symbolizing the beginning of a new friendship. Despite his heartbreak, he comes to the realization that Kylee has found happiness. After they leave, Jason enjoys the park again. While he may not be the cause of it, he's glad in the fact that the person he loves found happiness. He harbors no resentment, only a genuine wish for her continued joy and the best in life.

A week passes, and Jason, Barry, Kylee, and Naomi create a group chat. They plan to go where Jason wants, and he decides to visit his parents with them. On their way to Jason's parents' house, Barry asks why Jason is happy. Jason simply replies, "I'm just happy for Kylee, man." Barry responds, "I know you have feelings for Kylee, but it's admirable that you prioritize her happiness. Let's be happy for her as friends." As the conversation ends, Barry senses a hidden sadness within Jason. So he says, "We're here for you, bro." In a moment of sadness, Jason expresses gratitude, "Thank you for everything," recognizing his loyalty and understanding. As Barry realizes there's a deeper meaning behind Jason's gratitude, a sense of worry gazes upon him as he watches Jason. Simultaneously, Jason maintains a smiling face, while looking on Kylee and Naomi, concealing a complexity of emotions beneath the surface. A few hours later, they arrive at Jason's parents' house. Jason introduces Barry, Kylee, and Naomi to his mom and dad, who warmly welcome them with homely hugs before heading to the living room. Jason's parents share stories about Jason's childhood, recounting the funny and happy memories he had. Jason becomes embarrassed at the tales his parents share, and they all laugh together. In the midst of this, Jason finds joy. In his mind, he is grateful to have such beautiful people beside him. He wishes to savor these moments without worry, even though his time is limited. Despite the numbered days, he remains happy, driven by the desire not to see his loved ones sad. After the joyful introduction and conversation, Jason helps with cooking the food they will serve. While chopping veggies, he feels dizzy and starts coughing simultaneously. His dad notices and asks if he's okay. Jason simply replies, "Yes." A few minutes later, he goes to the bathroom, coughing aggressively. He notices he's coughing up a lot of blood, goes back to his old room, and passes out. His dad hears something hit the floor, so he checks it. There, he discovers Jason, unconscious with blood on his face. He calls for help, and his mom and friends call for an ambulance. Their actions echo the gravity of the situation to strive to aid their dear Jason.

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