39. Special Arc: Two Heroes Finale

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A giant sized Malware walks through the streets of Galvan Prime; terrorizing the Galvans below him. A few Galvan soldiers shoot at Malware but it doesn't even faze the giant Mechamorph. All of a sudden, Malware's forehead cackles wildly with blue electricity before a big burst of energy erupts from the Mechamorph's head. From the hole created by the burst of energy, Feedback emerges and stands tall with his signature grin on his face.

 From the hole created by the burst of energy, Feedback emerges and stands tall with his signature grin on his face

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"Uh, Ben?" An 18 year old Kevin Levin, coated in red metal, asked as he stared at the grinning Feedback.

"Hey, Everybody!!" Feedback said to everyone below Malware as he smirked. "Did you miss me?"

Malware raises his giant arm and brings it down on Feedback. Feedback, however, jumps off of Malware's head and begins freefalling towards the ground. As he got close to the ground, Feedback releases a stream of electricity to slow his fall and lands heroically on the ground before looking back up at Malware.

 As he got close to the ground, Feedback releases a stream of electricity to slow his fall and lands heroically on the ground before looking back up at Malware

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"A Conductoid?" Malware asked in amusement. " That's pathetic! I destroyed you once before and I'm a hundred times more powerful now!!"

Malware fires a blast of energy from his eye towards Feedback who continues to hold his smile as he folds his hands and puts his antennae in front of him and absorbs all of that energy.

"Now, I remember why I like this guy!!" Feedback said to himself as he looked at his hands which cackled with electricity. "FEEDBACK RULES!!"

Feedback reels his arms back as he charges up the absorbed energy inside of him before thrusting them forward; releasing a big and powerful beam of electricity from his fingertips. Malware puts his arm up to guard himself from the attack. The beam of electricity hits Malware's arm and leaves two holes on it but they regenerate instantly. 

Seeing this Feedback instantly flies towards Malware using his electricity to propel himself through the air. Malware tries to swat Feedback away but the conductoid raises himself just a bit higher to avoid getting hit by Malware. Feedback then allows himself to roll himself on Malware's arm for a bit before getting back up and start running along it, firing blasts of electricity as he does. Tendrils emerge from Malware's body and shoot at Feedback who dodges them all and while also absorbing a few of the energy blasts directed towards him. Feedback then releases small volts of electricity from beneath his feet and starts gliding on them while also releasing electricity from his hands, directed at Malware skin that he glided on. 

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