Chapter 7: Trouble in Paradise

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That evening, the atmosphere in Taylor's apartment shifted as Joe returned home. Madison had already been tucked into bed, her peaceful slumber undisturbed by the growing tension between Taylor and Joe.

Taylor greeted Joe as he entered, her voice tinged with a mix of hope and apprehension. "Hey, Joe. You're back late," she said, attempting to bridge the distance that had grown between them.

Joe, appearing weary and distracted, offered a brief nod. "Yeah, the shoot ran over. How was your day?"

Taylor sighed, a hint of frustration in her tone. "It was fine. Madison's asleep already. She had a long day."

Joe's response was nonchalant, a stark contrast to the concern Taylor had hoped for. "That's good. How long is she staying for?"

Taylor's patience began to fray at the edges. "Joe, she's not just a guest. She's a child who needs us. I need you to understand the gravity of this situation."

Joe, rubbing his temples, replied with a hint of exasperation, "Taylor, I get it. But I'm exhausted. Can we not do this tonight?"

Taylor's frustration boiled over. "No, we need to do this now. You've been distant, Joe. And not just about Madison. I feel like I'm navigating the past year all alone."

Joe's voice rose, a rare flash of irritation evident. "What do you want me to say? I'm working. I can't just drop everything."

As their voices rose in the quiet apartment, Taylor's frustration became more evident. "It's not just about dropping everything, Joe. It's about being present when you're actually here. It feels like you're miles away, even when you're right in front of me."

Joe, his tone tinged with defensiveness, responded, "I'm doing my best, Taylor. My career is demanding. You know that."

"But it's not just about your career! My career is demanding too!" Taylor exclaimed, her voice breaking with emotion. "It's about us, about being there for each other. And right now, for Madison. She needs stability, Joe, and I can't provide that all on my own."

Joe sighed heavily, his frustration apparent. "I just don't see how I can offer more, Taylor. I'm stretched thin as it is."

"That's just it, isn't it?" Taylor said, her voice lowering but her words sharp. "You're always stretched thin for everything else, but when it comes to us, to this home, there's just nothing left."

Joe ran a hand through his hair, looking weary. "I don't know what you want me to say. I can't just change my schedule overnight."

"It's not about schedules, Joe! It's about priorities. It's about caring enough to make an effort," Taylor countered, her eyes welling with tears.

The argument intensified, with Taylor's voice rising in frustration. "I don't want to hear about how busy you are. When I was on tour, I still made time for us. I always made us a priority."

Joe's response was terse, his voice laced with weariness. "Taylor, that's different. My work isn't like yours."

"Different how? Because I always gave more?" Taylor's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. "You're giving me the bare minimum, Joe. It's like I'm just an afterthought to you."

Their voices escalated, the sound echoing off the walls. Joe, usually so reserved, raised his voice, matching Taylor's intensity. "What do you want from me, Taylor? I can't be what you want me to be!"

Taylor's frustration was palpable. "It doesn't feel like we're in a relationship, Joe. You act more like a roommate. If that's all I wanted, I'd have asked Selena to come live with me, not you."

Joe, his voice a mix of frustration and confusion, replied, "We are in a relationship, Taylor. I love you. I'm just trying to balance everything."

"But love isn't just about saying it, it's about showing it," Taylor shot back. "And right now, I feel like I'm the only one trying to keep us connected."

Joe, his voice rising, countered, "I am here, aren't I? I'm trying, but it seems like nothing I do is ever enough for you!"

Taylor's voice broke, "It's not about being enough. It's about being present, being involved. You're here, but you're not really here with me. And with Madison now, I need more than just your physical presence."

As Taylor and Joe's voices rose, a sudden weeping from Madison's room cut through their argument. Taylor immediately stopped, her maternal instincts kicking in, and rushed over to Madison's room, while Joe, visibly frustrated, rolled his eyes and retreated to their bedroom.

In Madison's room, Taylor found her sitting up in bed, tears streaming down her face. "I heard you and Joe fighting," Madison sniffled.

Taylor sat beside her, her voice soft and reassuring. "Oh, babe, it's okay. Sometimes adults argue, but it doesn't mean anything is wrong."

Madison, looking down, murmured a quiet, "Sorry."

Taylor was puzzled. "Sorry? For what, sweetheart?"

"For making you fight. People around me... they always end up miserable," Madison's voice trembled, revealing a deep-seated fear.

Taylor gently lifted Madison's chin, making sure she met her eyes. "Honey, listen to me. Our argument has nothing to do with you. You are not responsible for other people's emotions or actions. Joe and I have our own issues to work through, and it's not because of you. You already brought so much joy into my life."

Madison looked up at Taylor, her eyes searching for reassurance. "Really?"

"Absolutely," Taylor affirmed with a warm smile.

Taylor wrapped an arm around Madison, drawing her close. "You know, sometimes in life, we face challenges. It's normal, and it doesn't mean there's something wrong with us or that we cause other people's problems."

Madison, nestling into Taylor's embrace, seemed to absorb her words. "But it's scary when people yell."

Taylor nodded, understanding. "It can be, but it's also a way people sometimes express their feelings. It's not the best way, and it's something Joe and I will work on. But you're not the cause of it."

Madison looked thoughtful, then asked, "Will everything be okay?"

Taylor kissed the top of Madison's head. "Yes, everything will be okay. We'll all work through this together. And no matter what, I'm here for you, always."

When Madison went back to sleep, Taylor left her room and stepped into the bedroom, the tension from earlier still lingered in the air. She approached Joe, her voice soft but carrying a weight of concern. "Joe, Maddie heard us arguing. She was crying."

Joe's response was brief and indifferent. "Oh, ok," he said, not looking up.

The lack of empathy in his voice stung Taylor. She wanted to confront him, to reignite their earlier argument, but she held back, realizing it wouldn't solve anything at that moment. With a scoff, she turned away, leaving Joe alone in the room.

In the quiet of the spare bedroom, Taylor lay on the bed, her thoughts swirling. The evening's events played over in her mind, casting a shadow of doubt over her relationship with Joe. She pondered their future together, especially the implications of starting a family under these strained circumstances. Could Joe be the supportive partner and parent she envisioned if he remained this distant and uninvolved?

The room felt unusually large and empty as Taylor grappled with these thoughts. The prospect of navigating parenthood with a partner who seemed increasingly distant was daunting. She wondered if this was a glimpse of what lay ahead, questioning the sustainability of their relationship in its current state. The night stretched on, with Taylor lost in her thoughts, trying to piece together the fragments of her future.

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