Chapter 24: At The Game

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Author's note: this chapter was rough to write, but I hope you like it :)

Taylor and Madison, accompanied by Blake and Ryan, made their way through the security check at Arrowhead Stadium. The atmosphere was charged with excitement, yet the area they were in remained surprisingly calm.

"It's so quiet," Taylor remarked, looking around at the relatively peaceful surroundings - not what she was used to when she went out.

Blake smiled knowingly. "They don't know we're here... yet," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice, well aware of how quickly the tranquility could turn into excited chaos once their presence was known.

As they walked, Taylor glanced at Madison, who was practically vibrating with excitement. "You doing okay?" she asked, making sure she wasn't overwhelmed.

Madison's eyes were wide with awe and excitement. "I'm great! This is so cool!"

They entered their private booth, which was a haven of luxury and privacy. It featured a large TV, plush sofas, and, most importantly, a view of the stadium that gave them a perfect vantage point. The game hadn't started yet, but the players were warming up on the field.

Madison rushed to the glass, her eyes scanning the field until they landed on Travis. "Look, there's Travis!" she exclaimed, pointing excitedly. He was on the field, going through his pre-game routines, unaware of their watchful eyes.

Ryan joined in on the excitement. "Looks like he's in the zone. Let's hope he remembers how to catch the ball today," he joked, making everyone giggle.

As the stadium buzzed with anticipation, Madison, momentarily unsettled by the attention their booth was attracting, clung a bit closer to Taylor. Sensing her discomfort, Taylor wrapped an arm around her, offering a reassuring smile. "Don't mind them. We're here to enjoy the game."

Soon, the opening strains of the national anthem filled the air, quieting the crowd. Taylor, Blake, and Ryan stood respectfully, their hands over their hearts. Madison, her earlier nervousness forgotten, began to sing along softly.

It was then that Taylor and the others paused, their own voices trailing off as they listened to Madison's tender rendition. Her voice was pure - of course, Taylor heard Madison sing many times, but she was always surprised at just how amazingly talented she was.

Madison, absorbed in the moment, seemed unaware that her singing had captivated her small audience. As the anthem concluded, she looked up, her cheeks coloring slightly as she realized they had been listening.

"Was I too loud?" she asked, a touch of self-consciousness in her voice.

"That was perfect," Taylor responded, her voice warm with affection.

Blake and Ryan nodded, their smiles echoing Taylor's sentiment. 

"You might put Taylor out of a job one day," joked Ryan, making Madison giggle. The truth was, Madison never told Taylor that before they met, her and her mom often dreamed of performing on stage with Taylor.

"You might be right, Ry," Taylor joined in on the laughter, giving Madison a gentle nudge, "I'll have to watch my back with you around, superstar."

Madison's eyes sparkled with a blend of joy and remembrance. Her thoughts drifted to her mother. She could almost hear her mom's voice, "One day, you're going to be a superstar, just you wait and see." These memories, a tapestry of love and encouragement, were bittersweet. Her mother had always been her biggest cheerleader, dreaming of the day Madison would shine brightly on her own stage. Now, as she sat in the midst of a dream come true, Madison felt a pang of sadness that her mom couldn't be there to share it with her. Yet, she knew deep down that her mom would be proud, smiling at how her little superstar was embracing life's new adventures with courage and grace.

Lost in her memories, Madison was gently brought back to the present by Taylor's soft voice.

"You okay?" Taylor asked, noticing the distant look in Madison's eyes.

Madison turned to face Taylor, "I was just thinking about my mom," she said quietly. "She always used to say that one day I'd be a superstar, that I'd shine on my own stage. I just... I wish she could see all of this."

Taylor's expression softened, her heart reaching out to Madison. She wrapped an arm around her, drawing her in close. "I bet she's watching over you, Maddie, and she's so proud of the amazing person you're becoming," Taylor said gently.

Madison leaned into the embrace, finding comfort in Taylor's words. "I hope so. It's just... hard, you know, experiencing all these things without her."

Taylor nodded, "I know it's hard, and it's okay to feel that way. But remember, she's always with you, in here," she said, placing a hand over Madison's heart.

Madison looked up at Taylor, a small smile breaking through. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

Taylor smiled back, her eyes shining with unspoken promises. "And who knows? Maybe one day, we really will share a stage together. Just you and me, under the lights, making your mom's dream come true."

Madison's eyes lit up at the thought, a spark of hope igniting within her. "That would be amazing, Taylor. More than anything, I'd love that."

Just then, the crowd cheered roaringly as Travis scored a touchdown. Madison, Taylor, Blake, and Ryan all joined in.

"That was awesome!! Did you see that?!" Madison jumped up and down from joy.

"I sure did!" Taylor clapped. She couldn't see whether Travis looked up at them but she was sure he did.

Madison giggled as she watched Travis do one of his touchdown dances.

"Looks like he's got the moves from you, T," Blake chuckled, nudging her friend.

As the game progressed, the energy in the stadium remained high. When the final whistle blew, it was clear: the Chiefs had won. The victory sent a wave of exhilaration through the crowd, and their private booth was no exception. Taylor, Madison, Blake, and Ryan shared high-fives and hugs, celebrating the win.

The door to the booth opened moments later, and Travis appeared, his face flushed with the triumph and adrenaline of the game. "We did it!" he announced, his excitement palpable.

Madison, without hesitating, surprised both herself and Taylor by running straight into Travis's arms. "You were amazing!" she said, her admiration evident in her wide smile.

Travis hugged her back, laughing. "Thank you, Mads! Couldn't have done it without my lucky charms up here cheering for me."

After releasing Madison, Travis turned to Taylor, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of joy and affection. They shared a brief, tender kiss, Travis lifting Taylor and spinning her around. Madison watched Taylor giggle - it made her happy that Taylor was happy.

It was a day of triumph, not just for the Chiefs, but for their own little team and both Taylor and Madison hoped that Travis would become a permanent member.

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